Chapter 1

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Y/N = Your name
L/N = Last name
H/C = Hair colour
F/C = Favourite colour
F/F = Favourite flavour
E/C = Eye colour

I'll add more if there's more.

(EDITED ON 15/11/2019)

" Where am I? It feels so... different here," the girl asked herself. She looked around her surroundings to find nothing but complete darkness.

" Child, you are at a place where you truly belong... and it is different here, far different from the realm you are in," a gentle male voice suddenly answered her. The girl was scared but at the same time felt completely safe listening to the voice. She looked around again, searching for the owner of the voice but it was too dark.

" Why... who are you? Where are you?" the girl asked again, rubbing her arms this time as it suddenly grew cold. It felt like there was a thin layer of ice under her feet.

" Frost, will you stop it? The poor girl is cold," another voice spoke out, this time a motherly female one. The temperature suddenly turned normal as the girl frowned to herself.

" Frost? What are all these? Who are you guys?!" she asked, grasping her hair in frustration.

" You will meet us soon, child... soon, because the realm is calling for you," the male voice spoke again.

" What do you mean by that?" she paused. " That doesn't even make sense!" she shouted.

Only a chuckle answered her and everything went silent.


Y/N was stirred away from her sleep by the smell of baked goods. A smell that she had always loved.


She yawned and stretched before getting up from her bed, trying to shake away the dizziness of sleep and also the weird dream she had just experienced. Going into the bathroom, she started freshen herself up, feeling better when she got out. She pulled on a shirt and a pair of jeans before brushing her h/c hair and pulled it into a neat ponytail.

When she was done, she went down the stairs to the kitchen to see her mom baking some f/f muffins.
She picked one up after asking a permission and took a huge bite.

" Yum... This taste so good... Too good," she commented and her mother chuckled.

" Well... it's a special day for you, so I thought of making your favourite muffins. Eat as many as you like." Her mother took out another tray from the oven and offered her some more.

" But... what's so special? I don't think today has any special events," she asked.

Was it her birthday? No. Her fifteenth birthday was last week. So what?

" Well, honey, you'll see later. Wait for your dad to reach home," her mother said with a sigh and a hint of sadness in her voice.

Y/N looked at her mother suspiciously but shrugged it off and went to pick up her school bag, shouldering it over one shoulder and kissed her mother on the cheeks. She bid the middle aged woman with the blonde hair and brown eyes goodbye before rushing off to school, tripping on a slippery street along the way.

It was a great walk from her home to her school, that was until she bumped into Tasha Evans... the girl who always tried to get into her way.

" Hey, Y/N! How are you doing?" Tasha, who also happened to be the popular girl in Valley High, asked. She was with her two so-called besties, Caroline and Monica.

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