Chapter 32

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The three girls looked at each other, admiring themselves.

Then Hazelia observed Y/N's new looks.

" You really look like a princess. Indeed, The Princess of Hearts. No wonder you're all... pink," she said.

Then they all heard a sob behind them.

They turned around to find the queen sitting on the ground and covering her face.

But instead of blood red hair, her hair was the colour of brownish blonde. Pegasus and Hazelia approached her.

Then they looked at each other.

" Evelyn?" Pegasus asked. The now helpless looking girl looked up, her cheeks streaming with tears and she was in dirty state with her dark red dress torn and her skin smudged with dirt and mud.

" I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry. Oh my God, what have I done? I... I'm such a..." her sentence was cut off by Hazelia who shook her head.

" You're not in control that time. Come on, get up." she pulled the queen's... Evelyn's hand and Evelyn stood up wobbly.

" How can you treat me so kind when... when I've done terrible things to you?" she asked. " I showed you no mercy, Hazelia..."

" Everyone deserve at least one forgiveness in their lives. And you used to be our friend," Hazelia replied.

They finally walked to the others and Evelyn looked at all of them.

" Queen..."

" Evelyn. I'm not a queen. I never was and never am," Evelyn corrected Mother Nature. " I want to say sorry for all I've done. Father Manny... you can throw me out of this realm if you want. Banish me, punish me... I deserve it. I'm so ashamed of myself."

" Who wants to throw you out? As long as you had learn your lesson, we accept you with open hands. You're still young, Evelyn. And, I have never thrown you away. Even after Pegasus is back, I can't help thinking of you. You will always be my daughter," Manny replied.

Evelyn's eyes sparkled with tears. She ran to Manny and hugged him.

" Thank you... thank you for everything," she said.

" Right. Am I invisible now that you have Evelyn?" Pegasus asked.

" No, dear. Come here." Manny chuckled and reached out his hand.

Pegasus joined the hug. And everyone clapped their hands and cheered.

" By the way. What actually happened to Tasha?" Y/N asked out of curiosity.

Evelyn pulled away and looked at Y/N.

" I don't know. She ran away. But I don't care about my ungrateful sister anymore. I have Pegasus and Father Manny... and you all. That's more than enough for me," she said. Then she turned to Pegasus.

" I'm sorry I killed you," she apologized.

Pegasus smiled.

" It's alright. Being a ghost is way cooler. Anyway, it's kinda Lys's fault too." she said, raising an eyebrow at Hazelia.

" Oh, no you don't. That's unfair! I was out of control that time. I hate you, Pegs." Hazelia said jokingly with pout.

" Well it's really kinda your fault," Jack added.

Hazelia looked at him unbelievably and pretended to look really hurt.

" Ouch. My broken heart." then she covered her face and pretended to sob.

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