Chapter 2: The Meeting

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Emily twisted and turned for the tenth time, then decided she just would have to go without sleep tonight, as it was already way beyond midnight. 

Turning on the TV, she saw another kidnapping, this time a young girl by the name of Danielle, her parents desperately pleading for her release. She saw their tear streaked faces and imagined the pain, fear and despair they felt. Her nervousness turned into full-blown anger. Wondering if this was the doing of Costa, she seethed, how dare he kidnap an innocent young girl, how dare he destroy the lives of so many! Money was the one thing that turned many into ruthless criminals and she was sure he'd accumulated enough of it.

Memories of her own past resurfacing, she felt suffocated, sad and angry all at the same time, a storm of emotions threatening to consume her. There and then she promised she'd make him pay, one way or another.

Somewhere in the early hours of the morning she dozed off, with dreams of guns and waterfalls. 

Jumping off the couch, Emily ran to her bathroom and jumped into the shower. " Oh crap I'm going to be late!" what a way to wake up, to the sound of a car alarm, she thought. She hurriedly dressed into her uniform and checked her appearance. Inwardly groaning, she added some concealer to the dark circles, which lay prominent under her eyes due to the two hours of sleep. Her aching limbs protested as she ran out the door, a result of drifting off into slumber in the most awkward position.

In the Chicago PD, Sergeant Dean's Office: 

He watched as a green Chevy drove up into the car park, looking through the window of Sergeant's Dean's office, who was currently conversing with someone over the phone. His breath paused as a pretty brunette walked out of the vehicle and ascended the steps of the station. Her navy blue uniform clinged to her generous hips as she walked, her stride hurried yet confident and strong. He watched the little black belt wrapped around her tiny waist. Her dark brown hair was tied up into a bun, a few curls escaped, framing her smooth face. He watched the brunette disappear into her office, and pulled himself away from the window, waiting for his soon to be partner to arrive.

A few minutes later they were so engrossed in conversation, that they both almost missed the sound of a knock at the door.


I'm not going to change my mind, nope, get it together Emily. I walked to sergeant Dean's office before I could change my mind and knocked on the door. "Come in" came his reply.
"Sir, I've decided that I'll take..." she trailed off spotting the man sitting across from her boss, "Forgive me I didn't realize you had company"
"Emily, I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Nathan Pierce, your new partner," his eyes twinkling with humor as if he already knew she'd accept the mission, "on the Costa mission we spoke about yesterday"
I watched as Mr. Pierce stood to his six foot 2 or 3 inches self, and turned to look at me, his eyes narrowing in inspection.
"Good Day Miss Kayden,"
I stared at the man standing in front of me, from his black hair which was styled neatly with some strands curled up at the front to the strong planes of his jawline running to a stubbornly set chin which so exquisitely lay below luscious lips which now started curving into a smirk.
oh crap I was staring...wasn't I?  Looking down I saw his hand outstretched to me which I shook firmly, " um..nice to meet you," was that my voice? Why did it sound shaky and why were my palms suddenly feeling tingly. Electricity cursed from my hand through my body, my throat suddenly feeling dry and my body a little unsteady. 

"Have a seat Emily,"Sgt Dean instructed.

"Oh thank goodness." I mumbled to myself.

"Now we need to discuss the mission, as you both know, you'll be working undercover," he looked at me, "Mr. Pierce already knows all the details, so he will go over most of them with you. You're partners now, you look out for each other, you keep your cover, they need to think that Emily is your female companion, in order to decrease suspicion. We don't want them to make you, so you can't go as business partners, Costa already has a large network, and he'd know you're lying. You both know this is a dangerous mission and the type of criminals you'd be dealing with"... he trailed off but all that Emily had heard was...
Female companion? As in involved in a romantic way, with this man?  Was this some joke the Gods wanted to play on her? Her insides quivered at the thought, it was all a show, it wont be real, but this man had the potential to do dangerous things to her emotions, she was off her axis by simply being in close proximity to this exquisite species of a man, whom already caught her staring at him, and was arrogantly looking at her.

She couldn't stand people who were arrogant. It irked her to her very being, no matter who they were.
"Nate, u take care of Emily, she's the finest in this precinct, and Emily, Nate is also the finest in his area, and his father and I are friends, so I can vouch for him when I say you can trust him."
Nodding I forced a smile and didn't dare look across at Mr Pierce, instead focused on the words Sgt Dean said as he started briefing us. My thoughts were interrupted when a phone rang, and the sergeant said he needed to go, rushing out of the office leaving us both to find our way out.

"So" his deep voice seeping into my pores, "would you like to continue this tomorrow? I too have another engagement but we start in a week, so I have lots to brief you on before that."
Emily looked at anything except the face of the man sitting before her, "Tomorrow is fine,"
"Ok well how about we meet at the café two blocks down, 5pm, I'll bring the files and we can talk details."
She nodded her approval and he stood to take his leave, he turned just before walking out, "I need your number Miss Kayden, just in case."
After exchanging numbers he left, Emily staring at his back as he walked out of the station, thinking she may have liked the way her name sounded coming from his mouth. He attracted the attention of everyone as he passed by, with his broad shoulders, confident gait, to the narrowing at his waist and his long legs which were all prominent even through the suit he wore.
"Oh boy, how am I going to focus on our mission, I can barely form cohesive thoughts with this man around."

Or was that supposed to be my mission?


Hello my ladies and gentlemen! What did you think of their meeting? Think Emily is going to be ok with being his 'female companion?' More details about 'the mission' will be revealed in time. Comment, Vote, Share! 

Miss Melody. 

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