Chapter 4: Thunderous Thoughts

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After work the fifth day, I decided to go shopping with the money given to me, to buy clothes suitable for the mission: outdoor clothing and 'vacation worthy' he said, whatever that meant. Heading to the mall I visited a few stores, buying in the process, a few shorts and comfortable clothing for the outdoors, swim wear which I never usually find use for, a few dresses both casual and a little more elegant if the need be and new underwear, some more flattering than what I currently have. I mean, a girl could never be too prepared. Choosing out some comfortable sleepwear, which looked pretty decent also, I decided that was all.

The weather outside seemed to be taking a turn for the worse as I walked out. Stepping into the house, I appreciated my surroundings, I had worked hard to make this house mine, it was well deserved and I loved my home. Placing the bags in my room, the phone rang, a smooth, deep voice which I'd now recognize anywhere, spoke.

We decided that Nate would come over, instead of us eating out, due to the inclement weather, which seemed to hang over the evening as if foreshadowing upcoming doom. We needed to fabricate a story of how we met, 'fell in love' and then go through the possible locations of his secret storage warehouse.
I pushed the negative thoughts out of my head and started preparing dinner, after about two hours everything was complete, I had completed many dishes macaroni pie and garlic potatoes being two of my favourites.

As I reached to grab to grab the pie from the oven, placing it on the counter, the doorbell rang. It had started pouring heavily a few minutes before; I rushed to the door, not wanting to leave him outside in the rain. Taking a deep breath I calmed the overactive nerves in my body and pulled the door open. I was met with eyes as blue as the sea, which seemed to twinkle as his lips upturned into a small smile. He was breathtaking, focus Emily and remember all his bad traits'. Wait..what were they again?

"Good evening Miss Emily," he stated, ever so mannerly.

"Good evening Mr. Pierce," I replied.

"Nathan, not Mr. Pierce" he smiled at me, my insides turning to absolutely divine mush. Rolling my eyes with a smile, I huffed at him, "Good evening Mr. Nathan!" His laugh came instantly, a deep throaty sound, which made butterflies erupt in my stomach. I felt a sense of pride and joy just for a second, for being the cause of that heavenly sound and the way his eyes lit up when he laughed. 

Just then, a crack of thunder boomed throughout the sky, making me jump, "Jeez! Come in come in, my bad!" He strode through the door saying thank you and stooped to remove his shoe.

Standing up once again to his full length, I took in his appearance, clad in a dark blue boot cut jeans, which fit snugly to his hips and a white t-shirt, which was now becoming transparent due to the rain. I briefly appreciated the way it clung to his chest and showed the ridges of his well-toned stomach. Maybe I should have left him outside a little longer.

His hair was now dripping wet and stuck out giving him a disheveled look which made this insanely handsome man look even better, something I hadn't thought possible until now.
I groaned inwardly at the thought of running my fingers through the dark locks. Composing myself I asked, "You hungry?"
He grinned and my heart leapt up to my throat. 

"Starved," he replied, his eyes narrowing slightly.

I turned and walked to the kitchen with my legs feeling unsteady, hoping I wasn't walking funny. I felt his gaze on me, and more precisely my butt as I made my way to the kitchen and reached for the plates to set out, grabbing him a towel at the same time. I scolded myself internally, trying to remind myself that it was a mission, a job. He was not the mission. Although if he was, I'd happily accept that one. No, no, no, stop it, stop thinking that way. Job, criminals, murder, kidnapping, danger, does that ring a bell to you?

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