Chapter 5: Villa-inous Meetings

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The following morning, Emily hurriedly brushed her teeth and threw on a jersey over her tank top running down the stairs when she heard movement in the kitchen. She walked into the kitchen to see a fully dressed version of Nathan, making breakfast.

"Good Morning"
"Good Morning," his steely blue eyes taking her in, "slept well?"
"Mmm, fine" she mumbled.
He handed her a plate of pancakes and eggs and hashed brown potatoes. She looked at the food in appreciation, realizing he had made himself at home in her kitchen.
"Ok, so," he started, "since our flight leaves at 4:30 this evening, we need to be there by 1:30pm, did you start packing??"
"No, but it wont take me long,"

He nodded, "well I have our documents as well as our IDs, I should get going as the weather has eased." He turned to leave, and as he was walking out the door he turned to Emily, "thank you, I'll see you soon."

She saw him off then went upstairs to start packing for the trip.


I pulled the suitcase, which was filled with clothes of different forms, cosmetics, light jewelry as well as a few supplies out to the living room. While making one last check, the doorbell rang; opening it, I found Nathan, dressed in black jeans and a green shirt as well as black shoes. His hair was combed neatly and his eyes as blue as ever.

"Hey Emily, ready to go?" 

"Yea sure let me get my suitcase."

"No let me, you jus lock up I'll get it for you."

Arriving at the airport we checked in and boarded the aircraft for takeoff.
It was a four-hour flight and I planned to catch up on some sleep, which should calm my nerves in the process. We were to go to the hotel today and tomorrow is when our mission would start. That's when Nathan would have causal business meetings with Emilio and would introduce me to him and his wife. He's supposed to make it seem like we were meeting friends there but in reality they would be conducting business on the side. I thought about all the details and laughed to myself when I realized what a bad husband he would have been if it were all real, tricking his wife into going onto a honeymoon where he could conduct illegal operations. I closed my eyes and rested, as I saw he decided to do the same. 

"Please stow all hand luggage for landing, fold all blankets, remove all headsets and bring all seats upright, an air hostess will be passing around to make sure your seatbelts are fastened" awakened me. We 're here already? I had slept for almost four hours? Wow. I looked across at Nathan who looked like he'd been awake for some time before. 

Descending the stairs, the atmosphere felt different already, more relaxed. I followed Nathan into the terminal and he turned to me after making a phone call, fidgeting he turned to me.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"The Costas invited us back to their home, instead of paying for a hotel. They said it's a nice place and right on the oceanfront...and our bosses approve of it. They think it'll be easier to keep an eye on them.. .one of his drivers will be picking us up. So it seems our mission starts from tonight." He too looked apprehensive at the change of plans. 

"What?!"I exclaimed. Breathe Ems, it makes sense, but staying at a drug lord's house? The idea was far from appealing but how would it look if we refused? Nathan was supposed to be his colleague and maybe even friend in his eyes, attempting to build a farce relationship for so long, going under the pretense of being a businessman interested in the immoral deals which Costa so secretly run over the last few years. Costa was just becoming more despicable in my eyes with each passing moment. 

Oh I almost forgot,'' Nathan's voice interrupted my thoughts," we'll need to put these on. He produced a pair of wedding bands, which we quickly put on. Perfect sizing, of course. 
I watched the gold band on my finger; it sent a strange sensation through me but I refused to entertain thoughts of a real marriage. It was something I wanted, I just, didn't find "the right one" or any decent one I could say. The ring was simple but beautiful, a single thin gold band with small cut diamonds engraved. For a fake ring it looks quite real.

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