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Geno woke up the next day and lazy as he was he roll of his bed, and than open the door with his magic. He roll down the stairs and roll into the kitchen. He yet again used his magic to grab himself water.

The kid walked down stairs to only see Geno on the floor. They​ sign to Geno,' what are you doing on the floor?' Geno looks at them and smile. "Just chilling ya know. And I will probably get up in three hours or something."

The kid sign again, ' you will get up when Reaper comes. ' Geno face lights up. "N-no, only because we kiss doesn't mean n-nothing." Frisk giggles. ' than why your shuddering Geno?' they ask him. Geno face lights up more. This made the kid laugh.

Soon there was a knock on the door. Even though this house was a imagery of Geno's, everything is real here in the save screen. Frisk went to open it, and as predicted it was Reaper. Geno who was still on the floor, rolled over to the living room where Reaper was chatting to Frisk. As Frisk predicted Geno got up.

"Heyyyyyyy Reaper." Geno said as he walked towards Reaper. Frisk sat down on the couch and started watching the screen of the genocide run again. "Heya G." He greeted, Geno smile.

Even if Geno told Frisk that the kiss meant nothing to him. The truth is that it did and he enjoyed every moment spent with Reaper. Reaper pulled Geno into a hug. "You did enjoy the kiss I gave ya the other day​ right?" Reaper ask Geno silently. Geno looks at Reaper and blushes.

"N-no....m-maybe..." Reaper chuckles at Geno response. A shuddering, Blushing Geno totally telling him he did enjoy the kiss. Reaper kiss Geno cheek bone and picked Geno up. He earned a Yelp from Geno, and that Yelp got Frisk attention. They giggle at the scene infront of them. They soon left to their so call room to get their crayons and paper.

Leaving Geno alone with Reaper again. Reaper sat on the couch while holding Geno close to him. The blushing Geno didn't do anything even if he was on Reaper's lap. Call Reaper Death but for Geno Reaper is his Heaven. The heaven and light from his depression.

Reaper nuzzle Geno lightly making the blushing skeleton blush more. Geno cuddle close to Reaper, and actually ended up sleeping on Reaper. Even if he had woken up few minutes ago he was still tired. Reaper chuckles and blushes. He stroke the small skeleton who's sleeping on him.

Frisk came down with their crayons and paper, the look at Reaper and Geno and smile. They sat down near the table and started doodling. The doodle of course was Reaper and Geno and hearts doodled all around them. They smile as they continue drawing.

Reaper look at the kid drawing and smile. There was indeed more sinners but Reaper and Geno didn't know. Or maybe Reaper did knew and Geno didn't. The world will never know.

Frisk look at Reaper and decided to also him a question. 'Are you and Geno a thing now? Like Dating?' Reaper looks at them with an expression saying 'what type of question is that??!?'. "I say we are, I dunno if Geno thinks we're dating. My opinion is a Yes and also for you who is currently drawing Geno and I. " Reaper stated out.

Frisk giggles gently as they nod. They were a shipping maniac but than again mercy is love.

Love = happiness.

Happiness = Happy Ending

Frisk continue drawing all the creativity they have. While Reaper watches the screen, while holding Geno close to him.

A/N: This book will be updated almost every Saturdays so just saying. Because I have a latte of books to update.

Till next time !

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