Forgotten Portrait/ Lovers Affection/ Trouble In Original Universe

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Geno nuzzle Reaper as they were currently watching TV. While Frisk was texting with Arty.


Arty was busy in her erased world, creating and rebuilding it slowly but surely.

Flower and Thorns look at each other as they tried helping Arty out. Flower gaze landed on a wilted orange flower. She knew what that flower meant so she gently and quickly left the area. That flower belongs to a human that fell down in the underground, and where the flower lays is where they had died.


Geno stood up as he stretched and went to the kitchen to grab himself a popsicle. Reaper in the other hand was texting Life and his brother.

Frisk was now coloring in a coloring book. They were coloring this cute skeleton for Halloween. The coloring book was themed for Halloween. Sure they had a Valentine's day, Easter Day, and many more holiday coloring book but, they decided to do Halloween.


Everytime the player equips an item on Chara, they look around to see more and more glitch marks. Something was up and it seems that the player didn't notice or doesn't care. Each monster battle, all the regular attacks seem glitched. Their saying we're glitched too.

What was happening? Why were there glitches everywhere? Chara want to ask Sans but in this rate they can't because they can't find him anywhere.


"Gah!" Flower fell face first on the snowy floor. Thorns just chuckled as they neared her.

"Jesus Chara be careful or else you might catch a cold." They said as they helped Flower up.

"Sorry.." her cheek was glowing bright red as she looks down.

Arty watched them from afar a sigh, those two were supposed to be one soul but since Chara obtain hate and some corruption, she isn't the same. Sure the corruption and hate isn't the same as Arty's scared up soul but, Chara only gotten those essence after death.

It was interesting and Arty really wanted to investigate that but she won't, she isn't going to do the mistake her father did long ago.

She just won't.


Geno sat down next to Reaper as he look over at his phone. "Is that your brother that you're texting to?" He question.

"Yep, who else would have 'Deathy Bro' as their contact?" Reaper question as he turn off his phone. His gaze going to Geno.

"I don't know..." He clutched onto the scarf of his brother as he lean against Reaper, "I wish I could see my brother once again.."


Staring, just staring at the portrait, a forgotten one. Two humans, three skeletons, a happy family it was. Arty just blinked as she looked away and left the portrait behind.

A painting looked at the portrait after Arty left. Her green eyes landed on them, ah what a family they were long ago. If only the mother stayed alive for a little longer.

Although the mother gave up her life to save everyone else. She was a brave soul, although someone has the same aura, the same happiness and positivity she had. That was her last child that she gave birth to.

"Mara? What are you doing here?" A voice spoke catching the painting attention.

"No reason Mika, I'm just going back to my post." Mara spoke as started making her way back.

"H-hey! Don't take it rude Mara, I was just curious because you don't come here often unless something is in your mind."


Geno was being held by Reaper whom gave a kiss on Geno's forehead. "I love you Geno."

"I love you too Reaper."


Chara yelped as the place got harder and harder to see, they were close to the judgement Hall but all they saw were glitches. Soon in a blink of an eye Chara found themselves back where Geno, Frisk, and Reaper were.

What is happening? Rang in their mind as they sprinted to Geno's place. They knew the player can't control them from the save screen so Chara is safe for now.


Arty was doodling a two skeleton, one shorter than the other. One pure than the other, one kind than the other. She missed her brothers, she missed her family. She miss all the fun times she had even if monsters tend to pick on her.

She missed her life.


Geno yelped as he heard the door slam open by Chara. Reaper gaze went over to Chara who was panting. Frisk stood up and walked over to Chara, ' What's wrong?' they signed.

"...G-glitches....... are...are...everywhere....I...I can't see what's happening" Chara panted out.

' Is Sans okay?!? ' Frisk signed.

"I...I don't know..." Chara inhaled and exhaled before walking over to the couch and sat down.

"Chara what glitches you saw?" Geno questioned.

"Text glitches.....Attacks we're glitched...everything was slowly glitching..."


"Oh good god what's happening!?!?" A male skeleton exclaimed as he saw error codes on the original universe.

Another skeleton was next to him, "I don't know..the codes are messing up. I-i'll try to fix it okay?"

"Reboot....I have a feeling that this isn't what Eraser or Error did. This seems like someone else did someone connected to this world." The painter spoke his gaze landed on Reboot who looks back at him.

"...even if it's them or not, I will try and fix the codes!"

"But what if that doesn't work, Boots?"

"....I....I might ask Eraser to help...since he's used to erasing codes and maybe he might help me erase codes so I can build new ones!" Reboot exclaimed not giving up hope to save a world.

"Okay. Let's start the work now okay Boots?"



Mika enter the room of their creator only to see her sleeping on her desk. Crumbled up paper lying everywhere, maybe today was one of those days when she tried to remember something.


Geno was pulled into a passionate kiss, with a roll of his pinprick Geno kissed back.

Chara was speaking to Frisk as they spoke about what was happening, this made Frisk worried so they texted Sans. Only to get no reply.

Geno pushed Reaper away, "Such a timing, Love."

"I know."

Geno nuzzles him, "I feel like this is my mistake...about those Glitches that Chara is seeing."

"......who knows."

"Hopefully it's not me..but what if it is!?"


"How would I fix this mess!?!?!!?" Geno started to freak out.

"Geno calm down." Reaper spoke up as he held his lover close, "If it happens to be your fault, we will work together to fix and solve the problem. Okay?"


I need ideas for this idea? Idk what I'm saying. Anyways thanks for 38K!

Also how do you guys feel if I make a book about Arty's home? Like the character designs and their personalities and stuff.

Anyways that's it and I'll see ya in this book or in any other book.

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