Where'd you go?

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Standing in full terror, I was now looking into the eyes of The un-know. I shivered feeling myself hit the floor. I was about to scream, when The large figure came closer to me. What was this thing? Better yet, Who was this thing? Almost as if it was on cue, the figure stopped. I looked up thinking for sure this was the end of me. The figure groaned, and then held out,what Looked like A hand, to me. I hesitated.. What was this... Who was this? I reached for the figures hand and whimpered.  "P-Please don't hurt me." I said shaking and trying to keep my balance.  The figure chuckled and brought me into the dim always.

As the light began to slowly seek through the large abandoned building, I realized who it was. The guy from the Café I thought to myself. Of course, It would be him. Snapping me back to reality he whispered in his deep voice "How did you find me?" He said slowly removing his Hoodie. "I-I followed you because-" I said before he cut me off. "To see where I was going" He smiled and removed the rest of his clothing. I nodded in relief and looked up at him. I gasped, I had been correct, It was Michael... I found him at last! Even though it took four hours. "M-Michael..?" I said unsure of myself.  "Yes?" He walking up to me closing the distance between us. "Why did you run away??" I said looking up at him and sighing. "To see if you'll come after me.." He said looking into my eyes with a trace of sadness. "B-But Michael why?!" I said growing angry and Balling my fist up. Michael looked at me and sighed.

"Bre, I haven't been completely honest with you" He said biting his lip. "Michael what do you mean?" I said looking up at him confused. Michael looked at me, and shook his head.  "I can't tell you right away Bre.." He said trailing off. "Michael?" I said nervously "H-How did you get into my bedroom!? Where you even Lost?!!" I said angry with tears pouring down my check.  "N-Not really" Michael said shaking nervously "OH WOW!" I said looking down and pasting around.  "I'm sorry! I-I just.... I'll tell you all in due time Bre okay?" He said reaching for my hand. I jerked back from him. "Please?" He said pleading with a sincere heart.  I sighed, letting him take my hand in his.

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