Chapter 6

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"I can't believe you guys are here" I say seating down on the couch "will believe it Summer it's not hard to believe we graduated early so instead of waiting for you to graduate we decided why not just come down early and surprise you" Ava says hugging me again "I've missed you so much you don't know how hard it was being the only girl around" I roll my eyes "yeah but you had Stephen" I say as Stephen and Liam come back in with a case of deer and weed my Aunt already left saying she won't be coming back tonight which isn't a surprise

"Here you go Summer" Stephen says handing me a deer I shake my head "I'm fine thanks" I say catching them off Guard when I used to live in Chicago the four of us use to party all the time smoke weed sneak into parties get drunk we were young but we could party with the best of them especially me "wow the Summer doesn't drink anymore" I really don't want to tell them not now anyways I don't even know if I'm going to keep it or not "no it's just I have school in the morning so...."

they nod I guess believing my excuse "you always were a nerd" Stephen says Liam smacked him in the head playfully "so what you always use to copy off her" as they argued like kids again I started feeling nauseous I had to bit my lip and take deep breath for me to not throw up I've learned to control it like this when I'm in class "you okay Summer you look pale" I nod standing up "yeah just hungry I'll make us some Brito's for dinner"

I say walking into the kitchen starting to get dinner ready I haven't cooked at home in years since Reba hasn't been home "need help" I jump turning to see Liam I breath in heavy "you ok I didn't mean to gave you a heart attack"

I huff laughing at myself "no no it's fine you can help here start chopping up those tomatoes and onions" I say moving over so he could start doing it while I cooked the ground beef "so how have you been for 5 years" he says I smile and shrug "missing my best friends"

I say honestly but missing Liam more then Ava and Stephen "I've missed you to I'm honestly tired of being the 3rd wheel with Ava and Stephen its tiring"

we both laugh I remember the feeling even when they weren't together They were always together I take the beef off the stove while I gets the Brito wrapping and other toppings while Liam sets the table when we were done Ava and Stephen were poking there head in trying to see if the food was done when they realized it was they rushed and to seat at the table

when I sat down I couldn't help but smile to myself I missed my friends so much "so Auntie says you haven't driven your car so you gonna let it stay on 0 miles are take it on a spin"

Ava says I huff I forgotten about that truck well no I haven't it's just we four have been talking about this trip around the US after we all graduated high school cents before I left or got that car so it was a no brainer what car we would use since I'm the only one who has a trunk the reason I got one was so we wouldn't have to rent one

"I was saving that for the trip so sort answer no"I say making her pout "so are you guys staying here" I say curious to how we all are going to sleep tonight "will Liam is staying here and me and Ava are going to an hotel in town" Stephen says with his deep ass voice "ok then"

I says eating my Brito when we were all done eating we cleaned up and Ava and Stephen left I guess the couldn't keep there hands off each other to long Liam put his stuff up in my room cents he had no where else to put it these is a 2 bedroom house I got him some blankets and stuff to sleep on the couch

after I took a shower and put on my night clothes Liam came upstairs and watched TV in my room I guess he got lonely downstairs I don't mind I started doing my homework by time

I was done Liam was past out on the other side of the bed not that I cared I turned off the lights and lay down I felt him wrap his arms around me and I quickly undo them and push him over on his side I really just didn't want him touching me especially now I felt guilty and dirty even if he's sleep it still feels wrong

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