Chapter 16

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"So Summer why don't you talk to us about your childhood" the Producer says I nods "well my father was in the US Army and my mother was a stay at home mom up until my father died in action when I was 10 soon after that my mother was diagnosed with kidney failure and died when I was 12 going on 13"

I say "wow so that's so much to deal with at such a young age" the producer said I nodded "I mean yeah but it made me a stronger person I had to grow up faster then most but that just made me the person I am today"

I say "so what happened after your parents died" he asked "well after that I sort of went down hill I started smoking weed drinking sneaking to parties I was really wild after my mother died i didn't have any guidance so I did what the fuck I wanted I was upset and I was hurting and that was my way of expressing it" he nodded "so what turned your life around"

" Reba i thought I was going to have to into the System since after my mother died no one could or wanted to take me in my Uncles already had like 13 kids all together and was living at my grandmas house but Reba came down and asked me if I wanted to live with her I didn't want to live with no stranger so I said yeah and moved to Florida"

I say "so who is Reba to you" he asked "My Mother sister my Aunt we were close before my mother died but she was always working so we couldn't spend as much time together"

"So how did she change you how was living with her" he asked "Reba was and is such a humble and wise person it just rubbed off on me in a way that just made me happy to be breath" I say "that's great how did you get into piecing" I think "well my mother used to have piercing and I just thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world so I guess that was when I wanted to be a piercer" I say

"And so is that how you meet Stephen James" I shake my head "no me and Stephen met at a party He helped me get in and ever since he's been like a brother to me" I say "ok now I have some questions fans want to ask you" I nod

"What is your ethnicity" I think "My mother was Jamaican and Dominican I don't know my father side for sure" I say "what is your relationship to William Singe" he asked "you mean Liam he's my best friend"

"So you guys aren't in a relationship" I shake my head "no were just friends" I say he nods dropping it "@ Miss LoLo wanted to know how your son has such beautiful hair # he's cute" he says

I laughed "I get asked this so many times Xavier is mixed so I guess that's where he gets his hair" I say "on this season you expressed how Liam isn't Xavier father making people wonder about who is he's and why you don't talk about him" I huff "do you feel comfortable talking about this subject" the producer asked "no but people will keep asking about it if I don't" I say I seat up in the chair "Xavier's father isn't in his life"

"Is it because he doesn't want to be involved in his life" I nod "yes and honestly I don't want him to be he's very abusive and is an addicted and I don't want my son"

"So you were in a abusive relationship with your sons father" I shake my head "we were never in a relationship but it felt like it he would get Jealous of Liam when he had a whole girlfriend" I say "how so"

he asked "well it wasn't even 3 weeks after I had Xavier he came banging on my door 2 in the morning at the time I thought it was Reba and answered the door like a dummy now looking back on it he beat me up because he thought I was sleeping with Liam if Liam wasn't there he would have killed me he really is crazy" I say just then my phone started buzzing I opened it and looked at the Producer "is this live" I say he nodded "yes why"

"Well because he's texting me right now telling me to shut the fuck up and stop running my mouth" I say showing them the text it didn't have his name just the number "do you want us to stop the interview" one producer asked I shake my head

"no this is just why I don't speak on him because he does crazy shit like this like this is why I have a restraining order on him" I as he continued to blow up my phone I block the number I can't wait for tomorrow I need a vacation right now

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