Vampire prince in love with a rogue wolf

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(Picture of William on the side)

William's P.O.V


"Sir, wake up"

Oh something is finally happening i thought to myself, i had been sitting here for hours listening to countless amounts of vampires plead for their lives, to be honest i didn't care. I just wanted it over and done with so i could go. You see I, William, am the vampire prince of all the vampires in the world. Oh lucky me, i thought dryly, it's not fun and games all the time, there was piles of paperwork and meetings i had to attend to, but i didn't see the point.

I rised from where I was sitting and strode out of the court room, straight out of the house onto the grounds surrounding the castle. I was starving and i needed to feed on some useless, pitiful creature. First i would make them beg for their life, then i would drain them dry very slowly making there last few moments of life, the worst unimaginable pain they would ever experience.

I took off and headed into the woods walking at a steady pace, letting the wind blow my wild black hair all over the place. All of the females were drooling over me, I just wanted a mate, many vampires often mated with faeries, wolves, and shape shifters and so on, and you get the picture. I just wanted a mate, preferably a vampire mate, if not I could always change them. It's a simple process, Bite them, drain half of their blood and give them yours. It is very painful though; my mate should be able to handle it, if she needs to turn. Oh well back to hunting, i lift my nose in the air and breathe in *sniff sniff* until i caught a whiff of a scent. Perfect a wolf, trespassing on my land, it was probably a rogue because no wolf in a pack would be stupid enough to trespass on my land. But that's the problem with these stupid dogs, they don't know right from wrong. By the scent of it, the rogue was female. I laughed at that one because you rarely find male rogues these days and all the women usually have mates so i was particually amused at this situation.

So i took off running at an impossibly fast speed almost invisible to the human eye until i reached my destination. The sight before me was a female like I guessed; obviously injured due to the amount of blood that was staining her clothes. She looked very pale but she would do. I hid behind one of the tree's waiting to make my move. This should be fun, i thought to myself. Her blood smells very pure. I just had to wait for the right time.... tick..... Tock ...... tick ...... tock

Bonnie's P.O.V

I had been running for days on end, i was cold, hungry and tired. I could no longer hold my wolf form for i was out of energy. I had a few weapons in my rucksack; i had a knife, a gun and a bottle of water. At this rate i was just looking for shelter for the night, but it was hopeless. I sensed another presence a couple of miles away. It was another rogue, just like me i mused. I had been rogue nearly all my life, ever since my parents disowned me and abandoned me, just like my pack. I just wasn't good enough for anybody. I was mate less, i had no family but i had my pride to keep me going. I would never surrender to a challenge.

I was strong, brave and beautiful, and well that’s what I thought anyway. I had Cyber-purple hair, it definitely wasn't my natural colour because no baby was born with purple hair, i had the bluest eyes anybody had probably seen, i had been told that a girl with my eyes could see through to peoples souls but i just shrugged that comment off and basically laughed at the person who has said that. I had very pale skin and i was reasonably tall, i was 5, 10 and very proud. This time when i smelled the air again the rogue was much closer than i had expected, Oh Shit, i bet he is in wolf form, in other words i was screwed. He had many advantages over me, like he was a male, i'm guessing he was bigger and he was in wolf form. I took my gun out from my bag and held it in my hand standing ready for when he arrived. I heard the leaves rustle behind me and spun around only to be greeted by a large brown wolf.

He was HUGE. I didn't stand a chance. The wolf lunged at me and landed on my chest knocking me down. I felt his claws pierce my chest and felt warm blood spill. I raised the gun and pulled the trigger sending the wolf flying back from the impact of the bullet. Serves you right, you ugly mutt, i thought. I took another glance at the motionless wolf. Went to check for a pulse and when there was none i felt guilt; i had never killed another person. I officially deserved to die, but when you’re in the wild its kill or be killed. So i did what i had to do. I picked up my things and started running. My wounds still bleeding. I was scared and blindly running. I smelt another scent in the air and that’s when i realised i was in vampire territory. Oh joy, i was definitely going to die. Once again like the rogue i felt another presence but this time it was a vampire so in my stupid state of mind i shouted out

"What are you waiting for blood-sucker, why don’t you reveal yourself now and kill me, just get it over with, i trespassed, you’re a vampire and I’m a rogue wolf, our kind hates each other, we are mortal enemies, do you need any more reasons."

I heard the shuffling of feet and felt a breeze of air.

"Turn around"

I did as the beautiful voice told me to. It was a blend of notes quite pleasant to listen to. This vampire i turned to face was none other than the vampire prince, William. His face was handsome, what a time to notice somebody's good lucks. He closed the gap between us and he said to me,

"Such a pretty wolf so sad i have to kill you, i hope you understand, well to be honest i don't care so let’s get started because I’m dying of hunger here."

His stone cold lips traced a path down my neck until he reached the point where my shoulder and neck met. I felt his fangs press against my skin as he sank them deep within a matter of seconds, I gasped and as i started to feel pain i let out a cry of pain. I felt dizzy and could no longer hold my body weight up, i slumped against his body when he did something that a vampire never does, he stopped in the middle of feeding and looked at me. His ice blue eyes looking at me, no longer filled with hunger, but love and desire and i swear i could see guilt in the depths of them. He whispered two words so me.

"My mate"

With those words said i passed out and i felt him carry me to where ever he was going.




What do you think? I just wanted to write a book that had werewolf and vampires in, what do you prefer, Vampires or werewolves? Thanks for reading Lauren.

Vampire prince in love with a rogue wolf (Book 1 of the Royal Series)Where stories live. Discover now