Lets tell the world and Celebrate

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(Picture of George and Harry on the side, They are also the Weasley twins from Harry Potter)

Bonnies P.O.V

Time literally stood still and tears sprung in my eyes, there was a pause before i answered.

"I....i...i" Words didn't seem to be on my side as i couldn't even form a sentence. I felt like screaming, but then i remembered that he could here my thoughts, I started thinking Yes, Please hear me, Yes i will marry you.

"Yes" His eyes as wide as saucers, he ran up and wraped his arms around me and started smothering my face in his kisses.

"You have definatly made me the happiest vampire in the world. Words cant describe how i feel at this moment. I just love you so much and i don't think you realise how much i do love you." I asked him would he like to celebrate us getting married and he told me yes, he said that i could go shopping for we would have a party that night. I turned in his arms and said

"William, what's your last name"

"My last name's Royal, so you would be Mrs Bonnie-mai Royal, oh god that just sounds sexy saying it and we're not even married yet. Do you like it?" Oh gosh he did sound a bit arrogant. Of course i like it.

"I'm glad you like it Bon, but i'm not 100% pleased that you think i'm arrogant. Now you need to go to sleep, i will join you in a bit, then in the morning we can get this party sorted."

"Why, where are you going" i asked, a bit sad.

"I need to feed." He stated.

"Just take my blood, i dont mind, unless you don't like my blood."

"Are you kidding, your blood is the best, my favourite by far. Are you sure Bonnie, i dont mind getting blood from somewhere else."

"No take it from me please." He placed his arms around my waist and kissed my lips, then like he did the other time, his lips traced a path from my mouth to my neck. I sucked lightly on my neck, no doubt giving me a hickey. I could feel him smirk against my skin. He carried on kissing till he got to the place where me shoulder and neck connected and met. He licked the area first and sank his teeth deep, i fisted my hands in his hair and let out a moan of pleasure. I could feel his lips nuzzling away at my neck. After a while he stoped drinking and he sealed the puncture wounds shut. I lay my head on his shoulder for i was feeling a bit drowsy. He picked me up and cradled me in his arms and took one had that had a razor sharp nail and cut a small incision at the base of his neck. I instinctively latched on a took small sips of his blood, it tasted better everytime i tried it, so i suppose that's good. I detached after a while and just let my lashes drift down and fall asleep.

Williams P.O.V

I can't believe we are going to get married, i am just estatic. We just shared blood again a moment ago and i can feel our love and bond growing. I love her so much and holding her in my arms at the moment, it just doesn't seem real. She is currently asleep in my arms and i'm going to take us both to bed. I changed Bonnie into some better clothing, her pajama's and me into some bottoms. I slid into bed and fell asleep holding my fiance. Fiance, it felt so weird to say that word. She was mine and i was hers and we both loved each other very much.

When i woke up in the morning i found that she wasn't sitting next to me. I looked around the room but i couldn't see her. She was nowhere to be seen. I slid out of bed and did a little crazy run around the palace checking all the rooms to make sure she hasn't got lost. I went to the kitchen store cupboard and there she was standing my the side with a cup of juice in her hands i went up behind her and wrapped my waist around her and ...

Bonnie's P.O.V

I saw he was still asleep so i went downstairs to find the kitchen so i could make some breakfast, i saw some other vampires down there but they smiled at me and waved so i did it back. A male came up to me and asked if i would like to sit with him and his friends, i said yes. I went to sit at the table with them and he introduced me to them, he was called Danny. He was around 6ft 4in with light brown hair, and piercing green eyes. He was beautiful, but not as good lucking as my mate. Then there was the twins, Harry and George, they both had Black hair and purple eyes and they were about 6ft too. I said hello to both of them and together we sat to eat breakfast.I excused myself and i got up to get a glass of juice that was in the store cupboard in the other room. As i was about to turn around some hands snaked their way around my waist. The person behind me scared me that much that i jumped 3 feet in the air and i chucked the juice in the persons face and ran. I ran screaming all the way back to the kitchen and i hid between Harry and Georges legs.

"Shush" I whispered to them.They looked up to the door and burst out laughing.I took a peek and realised i had thrown juice on William. He didn't look to happy.Everybody had stopped what they were doing and we, i mean me and William, had there undivided full attention. He strode over to where i was on the floor and hunkered down so he was eye level with me and he said,

"You missy have got some explaining to do." With that, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I pounded on his back,

"Put me down you arrogant bastard, i'm sorry for pouring juice on you i got scared." then i shouted

"Dan, you're a man, help a woman out, please you know you can."

"Sorry sweet cheeks, no can do, maybe next time" I was left alone to face the wrath of William. He carried me up the stairs ignoring my constant complaints. I gave up in the end. He took me to his office and sat me down in a chair. Then with a sigh, he sat down in his chair. He was huffing and puffing and cursing a lot, to be honest it kinda scared me. His eyes flashed to mine. SHIT, he can hear my thoughts. I had a guilty look on my face like i had just run over his cat.

"Why would you be scared of me, and how would you know what a guilty look of somebody who has hit a cat looks like unless you have hit a cat?" I kept my eyes down.

"Look at me" I slowly looked up at him, His hair was dripping wet with sticky orange juice and his top was stained. I giggled at his appearence. Then i said,

"Can i wash your hair please" He replied saying be my guest, I guess he soon forgot about the juice incident. I took his hand and led him to the bathroom. He stripped down until he was in his boxers and he jumped into the jaccuzi, which suprisingly was filled with hot water, then i stripped till i was left standing in my pants and bra. I also jumped into the jaccuzi. There was a jug on the side similar to the one Mere used to wash my hair, i picked it up and filled it with water, i began to wash his hair. I ran my hand through it, it was so soft and silky. It didn't take long to wash and because i washed his hair he washed mine. His hands worked magic and they sent electrical currents running through my body. Once we had washed we got out and he helped me dry off. We went into seperate rooms to change and i came back out wearing a purple dress it was pretty plain but very beautiful with some heels and a clutch bag. Will was wearing some black trousers and a shirt and waist coat. (Very smart) My wolf whispered. I linked arms with him and we walked down the stairs to where the music was blasting from. When we entered we walked onto the stage and addressed the crowd.

 "We called you here today to celebrate something very special."He said to the crowd and then to me "Would you like to tell them?" i nodded and said yes

"Me and William are getting married."Everybody in the crowd cheered and clapped, William somehow was holding two champagne glasses, he gave one to me and said

"A toast, to having a good night and for the future wedding." Everybody cheered. This is going to be a long night i thought.




Thanks fo reading people, please remember to vote and i will update soon. Lauren

Vampire prince in love with a rogue wolf (Book 1 of the Royal Series)Where stories live. Discover now