I'm sorry but i need space

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Bonnie's P.O.V

He had a secret to tell me but i was freaking out. Did he already have a child or maybe he had to go to war against somebody? I was confused and my face mirrored that expression. He was looking quite sadly at my face as he said,

"My secret is that, well... um... i don’t quite know how to put this but.., how ironic me the vampire prince soon to be king is stuttering, well Bonnie I’m not a full vampire. There i said it" He said to me, i was so shocked i could only mumble,


"My father was a pure blood vampire but my mother was something else. She was a fully-fledged witch, but not only that she was the Witch queen. With my father being the strongest vampire king in the world and my mother being the strongest witch queen in the world the combination of their powers were lethal. Nobody would be able to defeat them. Only when my mother fell pregnant did they realise that their children would inherit their powers too and we would be the most powerful family to ever exist. We would never be defeated and we would be the sole authority to both species. We are so looked up to in the vampire and witch world. When my mother was pregnant with her first child, it was not a single baby birth. She was pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl. The boy would inherit the vampire throne and the girl would inherit the witch throne. The children were named William and Miranda. I and my twin sister were born nine months later. It was destined that our soul mates were never vampires to begin with so they would be turned by me and Miranda so they would share the same bloodline when they turned. It’s very confusing but I’m part vampire and part witch and i have a twin sister."

He looked at me when i didn’t say anything. I looked at him scared with wide eyes, i feared his power. Too much power led to corruption and carelessness. He never told me anything of his family or that he was the strongest thing in the world. He could of told me even though i didn't ask, he could of given me the courtesy to let me know what i was getting into. I placed my hands over my very large stomach. He reached out to touch me but i smacked his hand away and stepped backwards afraid of the man, who i loved so much, i now feared. His face twisted into a mask of hurt and pain, but anger and rage could be seen.

"So now that I’ve told you my story you are afraid. I've told you countless times that i would never hurt you, isn't my word good enough. I'm your husband, you should trust me." He shouted.

"Yeah, well here's the problem hotshot, i trusted you and i loved you with all my heart but you kept away so many secrets from me, like the fact that you are from the most powerful family in the world, you are part witch and you have a twin sister. Is there anything else i should know, anymore family i should know about?" He had a guilty look written all over his face.

"Well my mother’s cousin is the werewolf king" He said almost as if he was telling me what he was cooking for lunch. I threw my hands up in the air, sighing heavily.

"Why did you suddenly decide to spring this on me now? Don’t you realise I’m nearly 7 months pregnant, I’ve just found out I’m a witch, my sister is back together in one piece after being impaled on an arrow. I think I’m going through a mid-life crisis. I just need some space, give me a couple of days to calm down and then i will come back to you." I started to walk away when i felt his hand on my back trying to pull me back but i shrugged it off. I ran to grab a bag and filled it with lots of my clothes planning to spend a few weeks away. I ignored his words as he begged me to reconsider and stay here with him. I wanted some company for when i hit the road so i called for the twins, Harry and George. When i walked out the front door i saw them both in the car with suitcases loaded in the boot just waiting for me to put my bag in. They were both in the front of the car and i shut the boot and climbed into the back seat. I put my seat belt on careful of my stomach because i didn't want to hurt the baby. I opened the window and looked out as we began to pull away from the palace. I saw my sister, Dylan, Danny and Will not to forget his brother all looking at us as we pulled away.

Vampire prince in love with a rogue wolf (Book 1 of the Royal Series)Where stories live. Discover now