I'm a monster - all i do is eat and sleep

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Bonnie's P.O.V

I was sucking on his neck like a thirsty person drinks water and the worst part was i didn't think i could stop but William wasn't moving and he just had his eye's closed. I stopped drinking and sealed the wound shut thinking i had killed him. But then he open his eyes and looked at me,

"What did you do to me? I'm a monster" i cried. He tried to reach out to me, but i shrunk back and ran away, I was much faster than what i was when i was a were-wolf and i could tell it would be harder for William to keep up with me. Once i was outside i ran through the forest and kept running till i came to a human city. It wasn't very busy so i'm guessing it was a quiet part of the town. I saw a car approaching and when it was very close i ran infront of it hoping it would hit me and kill me. Sadly it didn't, it swerved and hit a tree. I ran over to make sure the people in the car were ok, but there was a lot of blood and it was making me hungry. My hand came into contact with it and i smelled it and lost control. I grabbed the person ignoring his cries for help and sunk my teeth into his neck, he screamed, but that only made me more excited and i drank even harder. I felt him slump agaisnt me as i drained him dry. I reached out to the woman next to him and bit her wrists. I enjoyed hearing there cries and pleas as they begged for there lifes. I found a lighter in the car and set them on fire once i killed them and took off again, this time to the lake. When i went there i found a group of people fishing and i jumped on the back of a young boy no older than 18 with black hair and i bit down hard on his neck causing blood to spurt. His friends, looking at him in horror tried to run away but i dropped the lifeless body of this boy and ran after them all, tracking them and hunting them down, enjoying the chase. It was like an adreneline rush, after i killed them, i felt guilt and remorse.

I stood by a tree and let my body slide to the floor as i collapsed in tears. I left those bodies there as a reminder to myself that i was a monster. I wonder whether the rumour of a stake through the heart was true. I decided to try it out on myself as i wouldn't be a big loss to the world if i died. I picked up a branch that had fallen from a tree and held it above my chest over my heart. I closed my eyes and started to push...

Williams P.O.V

I felt her as she punctured my skin and drank from me. It felt good so i relaxed and closed my eyes but soon after that she stopped and i looked up at her. She thought she had killed me. I leaned forward trying to calm and reasure her but she backed away and cried out

"What did you do to me? I'm a monster" I was going to reason with her and try to comfort her but she bolted before i could say anything. I waited to give her time to settle down and get use to her surroundings. But i waited 30 minutes and she still wasn't back so i went to find her. I sniffed the air trying to track her scent, it wasn't long before i was on her trail. I found a car that had been set on fire, i also saw two, now burned beyond recognition, bodies that had been drained of blood. I was off again a few minutes later making sure nothing could expose our kind back at the crime scene before i reached a lake, where i found several more bodies. I checked to see if i could find pulses but i couldn't. I took the 5 bodies 1 by 1 to the lake and... No i second that thought, i'm going to burn them incase the bodies are discovered so i pulled out a match box and dropped it on the bodies and i watched them burned. I heared crying and sniffling and i decided to explore until i came to a tree and saw Bonnie with a tree branch pressed over her heart. My heart went out to her but she didn't realise that vampires didn't die like that. Even though the branch wouldn't kill her it would really hurt her and i couldn't let her go through that pain. So i held on to the one end of the branch and slowly pulled it out of her reach. When she no longer held the weapon, she opened her eyes...

Bonnies P.O.V

I tried to push the Stake through my skin but it just wasn't happening, i even thought that it was being pulled back but i ignored that until the branch was no longer in my hands. Then i opened my eyes only to meet the person eyes who turned me into this very monster i am now.

"Did you see what i did? I'm a monster, but why? It's because of you" I stared at him hoping he got the message. He looked at me with sad eyes.

"I never ment to hurt you doing this. it was for your safety, you were careless and irresponsible. But you dont have to kill, you can drink my blood, no matter what time of day it is, you can come and find me or if you are with me, like most of the time you will be you can bite me and i will know. But most of the time you will be asleep like you are now" He was right i was starting to close my eyes. Todays events were making me very depressed and tired. So i closed my eyes and leaned on his strengh.

When i woke i was on a bed with my mate sitting next to me, i felt very hungry and i opened my eyes looking at a vein in his neck with longing. I longed to be feeding there where the blood flows so quickly and freely. He opened his arms and i went and sat on his lap and nuzzled his neck with my nose and licked the area with my tongue. Will moaned and i bit deep feeling the blood rush into my mouth, warm and fresh, bursting with life I sat there in his lap with his arms around me till i finished and then fell asleep.

When i awoke again, i suprisingly wasn't hungry. William said i would be feeding and sleeping nearly all the time for up to 2 years. After that i would feed less regularly and sleep less often. I was happy about that. But he also told me i was the first and last vampire he would ever make. He only ever wanted to turn his mate if she wasn't a vampire already. Aslo i would be like him, stronger than nearly all vampires except him of course and i would inherit all his powers. So we could both do the same things together. He told me he had to go to court today and that i had to go with him everytime but i could just sit on his lap and feed off him and sleep. The 2 things my life depended on. Horay i thought sarcastically. He carried me there whilst i laid my head against his warm chest. I closer to him and he looked down at me fondly and kissed me on the nose. I smiled. Once we got there, there was a throne in the middle i'm guessing that William sat there and there were 24 chairs either side of it for the council. Harry and George and Dylan were all apart of this council. I was out cold before it even started and i woke an hour later only to be found still on Williams lap and this time i awoke i was hungry. I bit down on the side of his neck that was revealed to me. Little did i realise that William was speaking, but he sounded bored. When i bit him he said

"Wait for a minute" and the whole room was silent. He started kissing me and my neck then he bit down and started drinking from me. This lasted a few minutes before we stopped. He went back to working and talking and i went back to sleep. My eyes drooped and my breathing slowed and everything blurred in my vision. Sleep was peaceful and calming after todays events, i only hope tomorrow will be better.




Thanks for reading, I'll update soon. Lauren

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