Chapter two: Halloween

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I had finally gotten home from all the shopping and finally forgot about the man in my window. I started unpacking things in the kitchen when I heard a knock at my door. I looked up curiously and walked to the door, opening it to reveal a girl about my age, with a bright smile and glasses.

"Hey! I'm Xatia. You're new in town, right?" She asked, a friendly smile on her face. "Um, yeah, yes I am." I replied, giving a friendly smile back. "Oh, in (y/n), by the way." I introduced, shaking her outstretched hand in a welcoming way. "Would you like to come in?"I asked politely, and she gave a happy grin and nod before stepping in through the doorway of the house.

We sat at the kitchen table and began getting to know each other; she had grown in in Brooklyn, had a hateful family, and came here for the same reasons as me; running away from an old and insane life to quiet down and get her own life in line. We shared our life events for hours, as if we knew each other already.

"Shoot, I completely lost track of time." Xatia laughed, slapping a hand on her forehead. "I came to ask if you wanted to chill out and eat a shit ton of junk food tonight to celebrate Halloween? I don't really feel like going to a party." She said, looking to me curiously. "I couldn't agree more. I just got back from shopping, so I've got a shit ton of junk food." I laughed. "Sweet. What time should I come over?" "How about around eight?" I said, and she nodded happily and got up. "Sounds good. See ya!" She chirped, running off.

It felt like I knew her forever, though it had been only a few hours since I first met her. Man, I'm loving this new town already. Very personable people that aren't afraid to say hello. I walked back into the kitchen and decided to make dinner; that's a normal person thing, to cook and eat that. Wow, I'm starting to get a normal life! I'm trying to reassure myself that everything will settle down and become normal after the holiday fuss has ended for the month.


Wow. I burned it. I opened the window the wave out the smoke, pulling back the shades to once again reveal the man in the white mask. I screamed louder than ever, throwing the pan and food at him as hard as I could. "What the hell dude?!?! What do you want?! Stop watching me like a creep!" I yelled at him. Couldn't he at least be a little normal and come to my door instead of my backyard window?

He wasn't affected one bit by my sudden oud voice, nor the pan and it's contents smacking him in the face. That's when I started to freak out. I slammed the window and ran into my room once again, sitting on my bed. Why is this guy so persistent?! I just wanted to have a calm night.

I yelped at the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs, but watched the rail intently. "(Y/n)?" A familiar voice called out, revealing it was just one of the neighbors. "Hey, in here." I said, grinning in relief as I walked up to the other teen. She was a sweet girl, kept to herself but came over when she heard me screaming. I walked out of my bedroom door, but stopped dead right then and there.

The masked man stood tall behind her, quickly covering her mouth with one hand, then plunging the long knife he held in his hand into her back. She gasped and let out a muffled scream, making me scream as well when I saw the tip of the knife porridge all the way through and show from just under her ribcage.

The poor girl's eyes rolled back, her body going limp and slumping to the floor. I let out a terrified wail, turning and running. But where was I supposed to go? I watched as the man slowly approached me. That's when my idea came. I took a deep breath and ran for my window, shattering the glass with my shoulder and jumping out. I fell to the ground with a hard thud.

Everything had suddenly gone dark and blurry. I looked over groggily to the man who had chased me, watching him walk calmly out the front door and over to me, picking me up. That's when a new wave of pain shot through my body, the sudden feeling Uber's helming enough to finally make everything go black.


I woke up back in my bed, groaning as a dull pain pulsing in my side. I looked down to see myself in a bloody shirt, ripped up jeans, but lifted the shirt to reveal some messy stitches and taped on gauze pads. Definitely not good work, but hey, it did its job.

Only when I looked at the wound did I realize that last night was all real. I must've fallen on glass when I jumped out the window. I sat up as slowly as I could to not cause any more pain to my wound, when a crumpled peace of paper fell off my covers and onto the ground. I picked it up using my foot, sitting back down on the bed before reading it.

All it said was: you're a special girl. Funny, especially you're reaction of me standing at your window. I like that. Makes me laugh. I'll be back soon enough. Keep your eyes open.
The note made me gulp, and I felt my own face pale as I read it. The guy who chased me last night must've left this.

I sighed and tried to calm myself down, grabbing clean clothes before walking into the bathroom and showering. I hissed in pain as the hot water hit my still-raw stitches, and I bit my cheek to silence myself until the pain subsides. It felt good to wash off and put on clean clothes.

I put clean wraps around the stitches, not wanting them to get infected. I walked downstairs slowly, the stairs jarring my side and sending sharp pains through me. I finally set myself on the couch with a bag of chips, turning on the TV.

Twenty-one  people dead. Eight in very critical condition. I looked at the news show in horror, seeing that it was set in my town. "Oh my god." I whispered, felling my heart speed up in fear as I watched a picture of the white-masked stalker appear on the TV. "Michael Myers has once again wreaked havoc on our town." The anchorman said sadly. "Teenagers slain as usual; some were almost college graduates. May they Rest In Peace."


I watched the news vigil for those who passed with sadness, gasping sharply and sliding to the opposite side of the couch as the front door swung opened and once again revealed the masked- er, I guess Michael, as he walked into my house. It was terrifying; I could feel him in my head!!!

Miss me? He had asked, not even moving his mouth under the mask in the slightest. He was talking telepathically?!?! What the fuck is going on?!  "Leave me alone." I whine softly, cringing away from him as he walked over and sat himself beside me on the couch.

Oh, sweet (y/n), you can't get rid of me. You're the only victim who has physically seen me and survived. None of the other survivors are gonna live much longer. He said soundlessly, but the deep, unnerving chuckle he gave was definitely coming from him.


"S-so are you gonna kill me? I've done nothing wrong..." I whispered softly, shaking from the terror racking though my body. I'd never. It's too much fun messing with you, getting you all flustered and irritated by my presence he teased, making my face flush a rosey red. "Jerk." I mumbled, crossing my arms and looking away from him.

I'd get used to it. Over all, you're stuck here now, otherwise I would have to kill you he warned, though there was a nonchalant tone in his voice, as if he told this to everyone he has killed.

Plus, Xatia told me to tell you that she'll kick your ass from the grave for not giving her junk food. He randomly stated, making my heart immediately sink. "You... you killed her?!" I said, my own voice suddenly became a roar. Michael looked taken aback by this, but quickly regained his composure.

Keep acting like that and you'll be seeing her really soon. He warned, suddenly revealing the long knife he had and expertly twirling it around. I gulped slightly and went pale once again. Like I said, I'm usually kind of shy, so when I get threatened for being brave, I kinda go into safe mode.

You're just gonna love living in Haddonfield forever, (y/n). He taunted, which made me cover my ears and shrink up as small as I could. I heard him chuckle before felling him get up, walking to the door and leaving the household.

Great. Fan-fucking-tasting. Just another thing to make my life crazy and chaotic once again.


Michael Myers, you dick. You hilarious, lovely jackass 😂 hope you guys enjoyed! Don't forget to comment, vote, and that kind of shit! I really think it's awesome to see you guys coming out more and talking with me 😊 I love it. I feel like I'm doing good!
Maxx 🖤

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