Chapter nine: Back on Track

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"Bye-bye, Mikey." Jonathan sobbed as he clung to Michael's leg, tears and snot running down his face. He finally let go after a few minutes, standing quietly as I helped him put on his Paw Patrol backpack and picked up his Thomas the Train themed suit case.

It's been about three months since Jonathan came to live with me, and Tawny just called me to say that she could have Jonathan come home now. He was so excited to see his mom, but seeing that excited smile fall sadly when I said Michael and I couldn't come with about broke my heart.

"It's fine, Johnny. I'll see you soon enough." Michael chuckled, though his tone was obvious enough that he was trying not to sound upset either. Johnny smiled a bit and wiped his face of with his arm, taking my hand before we walked out the door to head to the airport.


"I'm gonna go back, right?" Johnny mumbled softly as we waited for the plane to land, looking up to me with hopeful eyes. "Yes, you'll visit, I'm positive." I laughed, nodding my head.

The plane finally landed soon after, and Johnny was now yelling tawny's name in an attempt to find her. He was surprised to find her, and was all shrieks of excited as tawny scooped him up in a tight hug.

My plane was already almost ready to take off, but I still hated the short goodbyes. Only the quick hello, kiss on the cheek, sad hug, and the waves goodbye. I was sullen as I trudged back on to the plane, sitting down quietly in my seat. Yeah, I only took care of Jonathan for a few months, but I grew to love that little kid.


"I was surprised that kid even liked me." Michael murmured softly as we sat on the couch late that night, watching movies before going to bed. "I'm not. Once you get over the entire tough guy asshole act, you're actually a pushover." I teased, kissing his cheek once.

Michael rolled his eyes and chuckled at my comment, kissing my forehead in return. "He's the one kid I don't have a problem with. The rest... no thanks." He chuckled, shaking his head softly.

"Aw, come on. You didn't tolerate Jonathan; you fucking loved the kid." I laughed, rolling my eyes back at him. "Though it was kinda funny watching you do your best to keep your language PG around him."

"What can I say? From how often I had cussed before Johnny came, I was basically dealing with withdrawal!" Michael teased with an innocent shrug, making me scoff and shove his shoulder. "You barely swore, jackass. I gotta get to work, so I'll see you later."


I didn't know how busy I had been before until Jonathan left. Work was a breeze, and I didn't have to worry about Michael and Jonathan doing stupid shit while I was gone. I acknowledged this as I opened the door to my home, finally the living room not a disaster. "It's actually clean in here?!" I teased Michael with a grin, sitting on top of him as he laid on the couch.

"Yeah. Surprise. Get offa me." He chuckled, trying to shake me off." I shook my head with a grin, grabbing my laptop to start up my homework. "You're a much comfier seat than the couch is."

I yelped as Michael finally got us flipped over, my computer dropping on the floor as Michael pinned me. "There's something I completely forgot to do." Michael said, as if acknowledging his forgetfulness. "And what would that be?" I asked curiously, looking up to him.

"I just wanted to make sure you were still ticklish." Michael replied nonchalantly, grinning devilishly as he saw my eyes widen and my body stiffen. "You wouldn't dare." I murmured, giving him a challenging look.

"Oh, but I so would." He taunted back, using one hand to hold my wrists over my head as the other hand tickled my sides. I shrieked with laughter, trying to break free to catch my breath. "I don't think so, baby girl~" Michael taunted with a grin, keeping his grip firm.


It was nice to finally have some alone time with Michael. Don't get me wrong, I loved galavanting around with Jonathan and the peculiar things we did that earned us weirded out stares from Michael, but it was kinda hard to actually act like a parent when you still have the inappropriate college-girl brain.

I thought of this as I laid in bed comfortably with Michael, my face buried in the crook of his neck, our bodies pressed against each others. With Johnny, he'd usually end up sleeping in this bed with us.

Yes, it was strange not having that little bean separating Michael and I, but it was nice to not have to worry about crushing a child when you rolled over to cuddle up to the biggest source of warmth.

It was even more strange to get to sleep in late. Man, I didn't know how early I woke up with Jonathan until he was gone. Michael had already gotten up and made breakfast, while I was still snoring in bed.


The freedom didn't last long, though. With summer arriving, other college students were coming home from the universities and living in the neighborhood. This, of course, pissed Michael off.

That's because any time I ever talked to someone of the opposite gender, that'd say something flirtatious. What was he expecting?! Boys coming back from months of school are gonna be hormonal.

I basically had to lock Michael in my bedroom when my new friend Dylan came over. No matter how much I explained to Michael that Dylan was gay, he was still ready to murder him in cold blood.

"He's been hitting on YOU. Not me!" I yelled at Michael once Dylan left, frustration taking over my head. 'I'd think you'd start coming up with some better excuses.' Michael scoffed, making me grumble profanities under my breath.


"You seriously trust me so little that you won't even let me hang out with my gay best friend. Wow." I replied, crossing my arms over my chest as Michael was once again throwing a mantrum after Dylan left. Michael sighed in frustration, and ran a hand through his hair. 'No, I don't mean it like that...'

"Well, clearly you do. I can't even breathe the same air as another guy without you flipping out!" I exclaimed, tossing my hand up in frustration. "You don't believe me, leave me alone with a guy, hell, I can barely go to work because of your stupid opinions!"

Michael rolled his eyes at me and stared down at me, a challenging look in his eye. 'You're pushing your luck, Ms. (y/l/n).' He threatened, though it hadn't shaken my confidence.

"What are you going to do? Yell at me some more, hm? Tantrum like a little bitch, like right now? Oh wait, no, you're probably gonna STAB me." I taunted back, standing straight as I spoke. "Just because you can kill me doesn't allow you to be a fucking control freak!"

My voice had been raising this whole time without me knowing, and I had walked towards Michael with every sentence. I was only aware of how close I had been to him when he lifted his arms and shoved me away from himself.


God, I am SO sorry about these horribly slow updates 😓 I've been busy with other shit, and only, like, one of my PMs are working. I apologize over my lack of presence. I promise I'll make more of an effort to update!

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Maxx 🖤

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