Author's Note

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Author's Note:

Hello all! Star here, just wanting to let you know that the next few chapters will be out soon. Between school and work, I haven't had enough time to work on this story. This story is very important to me and while I have been updating my other stories, this one takes more time to write, rewrite, edit, etc. Thanks for the wait. As a special treat, below is a sneak peak of Chapter 3! Enjoy!

"Where are you!?" The owner of the scream raged. "There are nasty things out here. It's not save for children." The voice echoed, making it difficult to tell how far or close it was.

On high alert, I grabbed my stuff and stood up, ready to move in a moment's notice. "What was that?" I asked, not knowing if it was human or something else.

"Our very unhappy hostess." Ethan was already up and moving. "Our friendly kidnapper has noticed us missing. Let's leave before she finds us."

Another one of those skin crawling hiss-screams came. "Where are you!?"

"No augments here." I bolted after Ethan. Not an easy task when he runs like a track star. Then again, it was a good that I was slower than him. A big grey-green scaly thing jumped out of the bushes and tackled him. The two went rolling down a small hill, with Ethan acting as a cushion.

Already dazed from the fall, the thing began slamming Ethan's head to the base of the tree. "See what happens when you don't listen? Now, I have to punish you." The thing laughed as it slammed Ethan again and again. I think it was having just a bit too much fun.

Gripping my staff, I prepared to attack as I was half way there the third Ethan's head became one with the tree. "Hey ugly!" This did not get its attention. Don't know why, I'm speaking the truth. IT or rather 'she' had pale grey-green scales and moving hair. He sight was almost enough to stop me mid-swing. Yet, I landed a swing hard enough to know her off Ethan. Her head snapped back as she fell to the side.

"You okay?" I stood next to Ethan in a light attack stance. If she got u, I'd have to react quickly.

"I think." He shook his head clear, than put his surprisingly unbroken glasses on. Is she dead?"

Right on cue, she got up. "That answer your question." Really, I was only partly shocked when she recovered. Something that ugly and with a freaky voice, was bound to be strong. Still wish I'd been wrong. Oh and the moving hair, are actually living snakes. That's not even the best part. Her wrinkly scaly grey-green face, with rows of sharp teeth and serpent eyes, were the same ones from the taxi.

Distracted by Ethan's panicked ramblings, I just barely noticed the talons aimed at my throat. Scaly here had taken the opportunity to leap like a shrieking banshee at us. Acting on reflex, I held the bo staff horizontally, it was just enough to block those deadly unmanicured talons. No way those nasty things are touching me again! "Ethan run!" For either of use to have any hope of surviving, Ethan needs to leave.

"What?" He asked, dumbfounded.

Can't he just listen and leave? The staff s gonna break at this rate, Scaly's to strong. "I can't fight if I have to keep checking to make sure your still breathing." Really, you'd think a scaredy cat, I mean, shy person like Ethan would've bolted the moment he had the chance. "Besides, don't you think someone should go for help?" Scaly was determined to get to one of us (me), as she was pushing with all her strength against the bo staff.

"Right." Ethan finally said. "Don't die, I still owe you for that stalker comment." He sure knows how to lighten the mood. But should I be worried he left so easily? I know I told him to, but he could've at least faked wanting to help.

"He won't get far." Man does Scaly have bad breath.

"You know," I smirked, "just because your ugly doesn't give you the right to skip basic hygiene. Ever heard of mouth-wash?" Melissa and mom always said I had a smart mouth. And they thought it would get me into trouble. Ha!

Scaly succeeded in getting angry. Using the free moment, I pushed up on the staff with all of my strength. Already angry and distracted, Scarly was now thrown off balance and off my staff. Planting one end of the staff in the ground, I vaulted myself into the air. Landing a kick in the center of her chest with both feet, she stumbled into some bushes and out of sight.

My victory was short lived. With a vicious growl, she got up to soon for my taste. "Why won't you stay down?" It took everything I had to knock her down , yet she took it like it was nothing.

"That was very naught. I was just going to take your powers. Now I'll have to think of a more suitable punishment." Scaly got a sickening sweet look, made even more disturbing with that sharp toot grin.

Ethan should've had enough time to get away. Now hoe do I do the same? "I'll have to take a rain check." I bolted at a dead run in the opposite direction, hoping to lose her in the forest. Heart pounding, lungs pumping, my body pushed itself to put some distance between us.

The forest seemed to be laughing, the trees smiling. They new some twisted inside joke about this woman. "You can't run, this forest is my home." Again, the voice echoed. Yet, she wasn't behind me. I'm not foolish enough to believe I've lost her. Any horror movie can tell you, when you don't see the creepy crazy person, their usually very close by.

This fact was quickly made true. A large body slammed into me with the force of a truck. Knocked to the ground and dazed, I tried to recover. Only to be punched in the head, then grabbed by the throat. "Thought you could get away? Silly girl, no one leaves here unless we want it." Still holding my throat, she lifted me three feet off the ground, her talons beginning to draw blood. "Anything to say before your punishment begins?" She squeezed harder, cutting off air from my already burning lungs.

In that moment, with no way out, I knew I was going to die. Even as my hand weakly and pitfully tried to claw and force her off, I was still trying to win a losing battle. Vision quickly dimming, the oldest emotions were running through me. Not sadness, regret, or dismay like you'd think. No ,it was pure burning angrier.

Book 1: Olympus Academy Where stories live. Discover now