Chapter 7

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"Veil." My greek mytholoy teacher Ms. Jazz called. "what's your favorite greek legend?"

Two days after my sparring match with Zeke and the girl who had a serizuer, things have returned to normal. Or as nomral as they can get in this school. One of my classes is Monster Bilogoy 101. Try putting that on a college transcprit. Besides gym, this mythology class is my favortive class. "Antigone."

"That's a play, not a legend." Somone, Hailey, whisphered loudly.

Ms. Jazz ingored her, "Interesting." She wrote 'Tiresas' on the board. "While Antigone is a play, it has roots in legends. Anyone regonize this name?" She tapped the board. "K.C.?"

K.C. tensed and hesistated before answering. 'A famous see. Tiresas warned Oedipus about the killer of the fomer king." I've never seen K.C. like this before. Usually, she and Leya are the voice of reason. Now, K.C. seems a bit upset. He also helped Odysseus return home." Ending her answer, K.C. returned to looking out the window.

"Don't forget, he was cursed to live as a woman before doing anything useful." Hailey blurted out.

"Next time rise your hand, Hailey." Ms. Jazz said. "While you are both right, many still question the accuracy of the curse myth. There has been no soild evdience to support or deny this."

Hailey raised her hand. "But Ms. Jazz?" Oh this can't be good.

"Yes, Hailey?"

"Just ask K.C.." Hailey flipped her haid, as she looked at my friend. "Tiresas is your ancestor, you should know something about the curse. Rumor has it, even after it was lifted off of Tiresas, it wasn't lifted off of his descenedents. So, how many males of your family have to live as women?"

The entire class blusted into laugher, causing K.C. to turn all kinds of red. "Hailey," Ms. Jazz said, unamused. "twenty points will be deducked from Amazon House. And ten more pre-Hoyse for every student who laughed." The class groaned in union.

"The games haven't even started yet!" Hailey aruged. "You can't take points before there given. Amazon House will be dead last!"

Ms. Jazz only shrugged, "Then they have you to thank. Maybe, next time you'll think before you speak."

The rest of the class passed uneventfully and a bit boring.

History was my last class for the day. After Ms. Jazz dismissed class, K.C. and I headed for Olypums Dorm to meet up with the others. Still embrassed and furious, K.C. was silent the whole way. I wouldn't have been able to hear her anyway with the sea of students also giggling and laughing as they head for the dorms.

Olypiman Dorm and Hero Dorm were located on the right side of campus. The path form the quad divided into a forked path through some woods and off into the directopm of each dorm. Olypian Doem was home to all of the cadaistes of the Olypiman Gods and Goddessses. While Hero Dorm housed all transfers and exchange students, along with hero and seer candidates. Ethan and I stayded in Olypian Dorm, in the left wing of common housing. Nate, Leya, Akemi, K.C., and Nika were in Hero Dorm, with Nika being the resevered wing for candidate representatives.

Nate and Ethan had aleady found a table close to the huge flat screen tv. "Hey." Nate said as we took seats. "What's with her?" Nate whisphered, when K.C. slammed her books down.

"Nothing." K.C. replied gor me. "Where's Akemi?"

"That took all of two sescons." Ethan glanced up from his laptop. "You two are worst then simsaes twins." He was refering to how inspeareable K.C. and Akemi were. Best friends since seventh grade, you'll rarely find one without the other.

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