Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

The airport was surprisingly busy for seven in the morning and crowded too. The noise and sound of the people trying to get on their flights did nothing to help my headache. "And that is why you don't eat two gallons of ice cream, a bag of chips, and bottle of soda." Ryan joked as he handed me my plane ticket. "Your plane leaves in twenty minutes. Sure you don't want me to come with? I could drive you."

Taking the ticket, I shook my head. "Thanks, but you don't have enough money for a round trip. Use the credit card dad gave you and it'd your funeral. Besides I doubt you fell like going on a three day drive."

"Yeah your right, that's a whole new kind of punishment." Ryan teased but stopped when I moaned in pain. "Are you sure your okay to travel? Maybe I should take you home." He sounded concerned.

I tried to play off how bad my headache really was. "Geez, are you my older brother or mother? Anyway mom, I'm off to find the mystical cure-all for a headache. Or the closest thing to it, water."

Waving by, I ran off before he could offer to get the water for me I love my brother, but sometimes he can take the big brother role a bit to seriously. Ryan's always been overprotective of me and Mel. More so with my because of all the trouble I get myself into.

As I walked to the café downstairs, I felt like someone was watching me. On the other side of the airport, separated by rows and rows of chairs was a boy. From the distance, it was hard to see most of the boy's features. But what stuck out were his honey yellow eyes, hidden behind a pair of glasses. With eyes like that, he might be really cute. Than again, the way he seems to be randomly staring at me is kind of creepy.

Thinking nothing more of it and knowing that I was in public and more than capable of beating a gut twice my size, I continued toward my destination. To bad it was packed with people trying to get breakfast before an early morning flight. Wish I'd thought of that.

I chose to skip earing breakfast with the family in favor of sulking in Ryan's room. By the time Ryan had managed to get me out of be, I had to hurry or miss my flight. Why did I hurry when it's ovibiodr I don't want to go? The answer is simple, dad. He was still fuming from yesterday and for both our sakes, its better I'm gone than risk another fight by missing my flight.

Ryan saved everyone from more arguing by volunteering to drive me. Even if he did miss his early morning football practice. That's true love, sacrificing football for me. It brings a tear to my eyes.

Speaking of eyes that stalker boy from earlier has followed me. Now that I think about it, he's been eyeing me all morning. At first I didn't notice because of my headache. Weird how my headache starts to disappear the closer we are to each other.

"You're going to Olympus Academy." This was a statement not a question which came from stalker boy. He was close enough that we could speak without having to yell. Yet he hide around a corner, so all I saw was a head with sandy brown hair, a pair of eyes behind glasses, and a hand. Yep, totally normal.

"How'd you know that?" I asked getting slightly creepied out by the fact he knew that.

All he did was point to the crumpled brochure sticking out of my bag. "What's you canadiatic? Do you know which House you're with?" He asked.

He nodded, but remained quiet for a moment. All of a sudden his head jerked up like a scared rabbit. "Just remember to avoid anyone you get a headache from being around."

Book 1: Olympus Academy Where stories live. Discover now