Chapter 6

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My first two weeks at the academy flew by in a blur. Between finalizing my claaes schudle, placement and skill tests, and my 'fans' bugging me with questions; it was a hectic couple of days. Luckily, Nika and her friends were a big help, espcially when it came to keeping my fans away. Since my arm wasn't fully healed, I wasn't allowed to participate in gym class. Instead, I at in the library for an hour, all by my lonesome. Today's the day I've been waiting for, my first day of gym class! Ethan always complains about it, but that's only cuz he's uncordinated. Speaking of the stalker boy. Much to his dismay, he's been helping me keep up with the fast pace schoolwork.

This maybe a school for gods, goddesses, and heroes; but it's still an elite school. Advanatge classes here, are normal honors  and AP classes bac home. Compared to everyone else, I'm beind in just about everything. Don't get me started on the special classes that can only be found here. I highly doubt monster bio. is going to help me get into a good college.

For mid-September, it was prett hot ut. Good thing, we weren't required to wear some dorky uniform. In this summer heat, guys wore basketball shorts, paired with t-shirts, and tennis shoes. The girls, however, took this as a chance to show theri finer points, by wearing too tight tink tops and to short shorts. Heck, some had even applied their make-up and flat ironed their hair ito perfect ponytils. Did I feel out of place? Not one bit. Leet them be all dolled up. Me and my five year old tennis, over-sized t-shirt, shorts, and messy ponytail are here for a work out, not look pretty.

Also, with a friend like Nika, how could you ever feel out of place? As usual, Nika stood out in the most amoung the sea of well dressed students. Today's 'uquice' creation was, believe it or not, 90's hammer pants made into shorts, oversized fren and purple t-shirt tied at the back to show of fher flat stomach, and brown hiking boots. The purple pigtails, gave off the odd look of youth when compared to the rest of her outfit. "Ready for gym?" She was oddly hyper, like Akemi hyper. "Now that your arm's fainlly healed, gonna show  use those moves you used againt the grogens?"

Beforer I scould answer, Akemi came over with Nate. She was dressed senseblie in simple, yet cute t-shirt and shorts, while Natre wore sweatpants and a t-shirt. "You three aren't like normal girls, are you?" Nate gestured to lour outifts, compared to what the rest of the girls were wearing.

Akemi pouted, "Well, excuse me for being plain. K.C. says I look cute when not wearing anything flashy." K.C. has been Akemi's best friend for two years, the two are inspereatable.

Our conversation was cut short by Nika's dquelling. "This is why I love this class!"

Didn'y thaje long to fine out why. A hot, if young, looking manwith dark blond hair, slight yet lean muslcar build walked in. His presnece wasn't one that commanded respect, but had earned it long ago. His well defined muscles flexed under his loose t-shirt as he folded his amrs over his chest. "Over the past two weeks, you've all under gone several skills tests. What you don't know is why." His sea-gren eyes scanned every face in the crowd, beliefly pausing on me.

"What you went through in the past weeks is nothing compated to what's coming. This is offically the first day of class, I have the pleayse of being your instroutor. My name is Zeke, for those who don't know." Again his, looking at me. "I graduated two years ago and have been a candiate-repsentive ever since. This will be my second year teaching."

Zeke spent the next ten mintues explaining what the class was about. Not just a self-defense class, it incorapated muiltpe self-defense technquinese from many different styles, along with weapons training. Most of the class had been students at the academy for two or more years, so they've had time to select one weapon or fighting style to master. That was the goal, by gradution students will have one fighting style or weapon they've foucsed six years on mastering in addition to their powers. "If your afarid of being hurt, I suggest you leave now."

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