Apparently Arthur spiked Allistor's tea

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Francis tugged at his hair anxiously, waiting for his ride. Arthur was picking him up for a meeting with him, Francis, and Emillise. The goal of the meeting was to see if they could settle this without dragging everyone to court. Arthur had insisted that he leave Matthieu out of the first part of the meeting, and offered for his older brother, Allistor, to babysit both Alfred and Arthur. There was a burst of loud knocks on the door, and Francis opened it to reveal a harried looking Arthur, a excited Alfred, and last but not least, a man with vivid red hair who was in the process of ruffling Arthur's hair, who Francis assumed was Allistor.

"Francy!" Alfred squealed, running forward to hug Francis.

"Bonjour Alfred, comment ça va?" Francis asked, ruffling his hair.

"Ça va bien!" Alfred chirped, looking up at Francis's face.

"Très bien! Did Matthieu teach you zat?" Francis beamed, proud of Alfred. The boy nodded, releasing Francis in order to run into the house to find Matthew.

"So yer tha guy tha' stole Iggy's heart?" The red haired man questioned in a strong Scottish accent, hooking an arm over his little brother's shoulder and smirking at Francis. The Frenchman took a moment to marvel how fast the Brit flushed red.

"Allistor you bloody git get off me this instant!" Arthur yelled, throwing his brother's arm off and glaring at him.

"Enchanté monsieur, je m'appelle Francis Bonnefoy." Francis greeted, extending a hand for him to shake.

"Allistor Kirkland." He responded, clasping Francis's hand in a firm grip. "I can't wait to meet yer son, fer tha last couple o' days it's been all 'Mattie this' an' 'Mattie an' I' that."

"Oui zey get along quite well. Alfred 'as been teaching Matthieu more English, and I swear, sometimes zey are almost joined at ze 'ip." Francis commented, scanning the room for any signs of the boys. "Matthieu? Où es-tu?" (where are you) He called out.

"Annoncé!"(coming) Matthew and Alfred slid around a corner, obviously racing. Allistor did a double take when he saw them, staring at the nearly identical boys.

"Jesus fukin' Christ. Iggy wha' the bleedin' hell kind o' drugs did ya put in my tea? Oh shite i'm seein' double here."

"Allistor you absolute tosser there are children present! Stop fucking swearing!" Arthur whisper-shouted at his brother, elbowing him harshly. Allistor was about to retaliate by putting the Englishman in a chokehold, but was stopped when Francis cleared his throat.

"I 'ave never been 'appier zat Matthieu only knows Français and not Anglais. Matthieu come over 'ere and greet your friend's uncle."

Matthew approached Allistor, but got scared and hid behind Francis's legs.

"C'mon laddie I won't bite ya." Allistor encouraged, squatting down and smiling at Matthew.

"Yeah Mattie don't worry Uncle Allison yells at daddy but he doesn't bite." Alfred chirped, grabbing Matthew's hand and dragging him away from Francis. Matthew took a few steps in Allistor's direction, still extremely shy about meeting new people but both little boys were scooped up in a tight hug before they could take more than two steps. Matthew yelped loudly while Alfred laughed and instantly returned the hug. After a heartbeat Matthew relaxed and returned the hug.

Arthur shot Francis a reassuring glance. "My older brother may be a bit of an idiot, but he is great with kids."

"I heard tha'." Allistor said, voice slightly muffled.

"That doesn't change the fact that it's true." Arthur retorted. "Now Alfred, Matthew, we'll be gone for about an hour or two then Allistor will drive you guys to where we are. Then after we finish we can all go get ice cream."

"Ice cream?" Both boys asked, Alfred jumping with excitement and Matthew confused.

"Crème glacée." Francis clarified, chuckling softly as Matthew's face lit up with excitement. "Au revoir Matthieu et Alfred." he called, stepping outside.

"Attends un peu!" (Wait a minute) Matthew cried. Francis and Arthur turned around just in time to be tackled in hugs. "Au revoir papa!" Matthew chirped, releasing Francis and running off to play with Alfred. Francis waved at the boy's retreating backs, and with a final thank you to Allistor for agreeing to stay with them, got into the car with Arthur.

(A/N sorry for the boring chapter it's just a bit of a filler chapter before the real fun begins... aka I might actually die soon because of what I type YAY ANGSTY SHIT)

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