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After the four males had gotten the ice cream that was promised to the children, they made their way back to Francis's house, where the adults were sitting and chatting, and the children played. Arthur was sitting with Francis on the small couch, talking about stories with his brothers, and Francis about France, when the doorbell rang. The two men paused in their conversation as the door began to ring nonstop, with muffled banging noises and words coming through the door.

"Ve~ maybe he isn't-a home?"

"You idiota his-a car is in the driveway he is-a home!"

"Zhe awesome Gilbert vhill get him!"

"Gilbert if jou climb zhrough zhe vindow I vhill hit you vith my skillet. Let Lovi do it."

"OI VINO BASTARDO OPEN UP-A THE DOOR WE CAME ALL-A THE WAY FROM EUROPE TO TORTURE YOU!" a very gruff, loud voice with an Italian accent shouted, clearly heard throughout the whole house.

"Lovi!" Matthew squealed and ran to the door, Alfred on his heels. The boys fumbled with the locks before throwing open the door and being instantly picked up by various people. There were cries of 'Matthew' all around, before the group finally realized that there was not one, but two boys.





"Mes amis!" Francis yelled, rushing to the door and instantly being tackled. "It 'as been so long!" Arthur made his way to the door considerably slower than Francis, and got a good look at the people who had interrupted them. There was a tall albino who Arthur recognized from the photograph who was currently in the process of messing up Francis's hair while the Frenchman yelled for him to get off, another man who Arthur recognized from the photograph who was holding one of the boys with a look of utter bewilderment on his tanned face, an expression that was mirrored on the face of the child he was holding. A short brunette with hazel/green eyes and a long curl of hair was holding the other, scowling. A very pretty woman with long hair was yelling at the albino, trying to pry him off of Francis. Suddenly, a tall stoic blond with slicked back hair and piercing blue eyes came and easily plucked the albino off Francis. A lighter skinned brunette that had closed eyes but otherwise looked identical to the earlier scowling one was clinging to the blond's back, something that the tall man didn't seem to notice or care about.

"Hi daddy!" Alfred chirped, still held by the man Arthur recognized from the photograph. "I met one of Francy's friends!"

"I see that." Arthur managed to say as all eyes in the room turned to him.

"Hey Francis iz zhis zhe 'attractive Brit' jou vere talking about?" The albino asked loudly in a strong German accent, smirking when both Francis and Arthur blushed.

"Gilbert leave zhe man alone he does not need to be traumatized vithin five seconds of meeting us." The blonde sighed. He walked forward and stuck his hand out to Arthur for a handshake. "Hallo my name is Ludwig Beilschmidt and zhis iz mein older bruder, Gilbert Beilschmidt."

"Arthur Kirkland, and this is my son, Alfred F. Jones." Arthur shook the man's hand, finding that he had a very firm grip.

"Nein zhat iz not how jou do introductions! Hallo I am zhe awesome Gilbert und zhis iz my fiancée, zhe almost as awesome Elizaveta. Zhat iz mein little bruder, zhe not very awesome West." He introduced, throwing an arm around his fiancée. "Oh und zhat guy on his back iz Feliciano, his boyfriend." The small Italian jumped off of his boyfriend's back and ran to Arthur, grabbing his hand and shaking it enthusiastically.

"Ciao signore come stai? Come ti chiami? Mi chiamo Feliciano Vargas and it is-a so nice to meet you! Do you like pasta? I love pasta! Oh and this is-a my fratello Lovino!" He chirped, his eyes still closed and speaking in a mix of rapid fire Italian and accented English.

"Feli, stai zitto per favore." His brother barked and turned to Arthur with a scowl on his face. "Ciao my name is Lovino Vargas-Carriedo and we are-a the cousins of-a the wine bastard. The bastard holding your son over there is-a my husband, Antonio Fernández Carriedo."

"Pleased to meet you." Arthur replied, pleased to talk to someone sane for the first time that day. "Apologies if I seem a bit overwhelmed right now, I just wasn't expecting so many people."

"You reacted better than the flight attendant when the albino potato with legs yelled out on the flight, in German no less, "GET ME YOUR FINEST GERMAN BEER FIT FOR A PRUSSIAN!" After he realized that-a no one spoke German on an Italian flight, I-a wonder why, he repeated himself in-a English." Lovino recounted, glaring at Gilbert.

"Ah Arthur mon cher I see zat you 'ave met my friends and family." Francis said, a bit out of breath and fixing his messed up hair.

"They are... interesting to say the least." Arthur said hesitantly. "Where are Alfie and Mattie?" He asked, noticing that they were not among the crowd.

"Toni und Gil took zhem outside to play." Elizaveta responded, pointing to the backyard. "Don't vorry, despite his faults he iz great vith kids. I hope zhat after zhe marriage he can get his own." She smiled fondly, looking out the window where Arthur could see the back of a silver haired head.

 I rather like his friends and family so far. I wonder if they like me? No stop that Arthur the man's your friend and client not boyfriend! Yet...

(A/N awww Artie keeps on denying their closeness! Don't worry the next chapter will be better but apologies if it's a bit late, the new semester just started, so I might not have as much time to write. I have another story called Darker Hetalia (UsUk) so if y'all wanna read that please do. I'm also working on a SweetDevil Au UsUk one which will the first chapters of will be up in a couple days.  Grazie for reading and commenting!


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