The interview

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Arthur sat down on the couch with Matthew beside him, and placed a voice recorder on the table. He pressed record and cleared his throat, pencil poised in his hand. Matthew shifted uncomfortably, growing nervous. Arthur's eyes softened and he leaned forward, laying a hand on Matthew's arm.

"It's alright laddie. There are only a couple questions that you have to answer, then you can go. You will have to answer them in English so I can understand them though. If you don't understand what i'm asking, tell me. You got all of that?"

Matthew nodded, holding onto Kuma tightly.

"Alright then first question. Who do you want to live with?"

"Papa." Matthew replied without hesitation, looking into Arthur's eyes.

"Can you tell me why?"

"Papa takes good care of me, and always notices me. Maman dosen't care."

"Why do you say that?" Arthur asked, a bit surprised. He had seen how Emillise acted before, but to hear her own child say it was jarring.

Matthew never broke eye contact as he thought of a response, and even though the child was more than half his age, Arthur was shocked at how powerfully and full of emotion those amethyst orbs stared into his.

"She was never zere. When papa would go to work, she would leave. I 'ad to stay by myself. Maman made me promise not to tell papa. She said zat it would make 'im sad. I've 'eard 'er talking to someone, she said zat I was useless and worthless. When I asked papa what zat means, 'e told me. She never notices me, and I zink zat she doesn't want to."

Arthur felt the volumes of truth in his voice, and it ripped his heart apart to know that this small child had heard his own mother call him worthless. He felt emotions threaten to rise up and shook his head to clear them, needing to remain professional.

"How often do you want to see your mommy if you live with daddy?"

"Do I 'ave to see 'er?"

"Only if you want to."

"I don't want to see maman."

"Ok that's it. You did a very good job Mattie. Now let's go get Francis and Alfred." Arthur said, turning off the recorder and leading Matthew outside.

Meanwhile outside, Francis and Alfred were sitting outside, Francis on a bench and Alfred playing with a toy plane. He watched the child play with a small smile gracing his features, thinking of how he used to play with his friends like that. On impulse he opened the messaging app on his phone and sent a message to the group chat.


~FrenchRapunzelIRL: Just finished a meeting with Emillise ugh

They responded surprisingly fast, considering that it was around dinner time in Berlin and Barcelona.

~Tomato&Perfectass: Oh no amigo I hope you are alright

~PrussianAwesomeness: Sux 2 b u Frenchie

~FrenchRapunzelIRL: Gilbert are you drunk?

~PrussianAwesomeness: Ummmmmmmm 9 y?

~FrenchRapunzelIRL: Then why the hell are you texting like you are?

~PrussianAwesomeness: Ummmm rude & bc I can. Deal wit it :p

~FrenchRapunzelIRL: I honestly wonder how Elizaveta deals with you.

~PrussianAwesomeness: Toni back me up here

~Tomato&Perfectass: Idk Gil I agree with Francis.

~PrussianAwesomeness: I came out to have a good time and i'm honestly feeling so attacked right now. Better? Oh and hey Francy-pants are you going to be home around 8?

~FrenchRapunzelIRL: Oui and please don't call me that you know I hate it.

~Tomato&Perfectass: Francy-pants

~PrussianAwesomeness: Frenchie

~FrenchRapunzelIRL: Oh non Toni not you too

~Tomato&Perfectass: Rapunzel

~PrussianAwesomeness: Snail slurper

~FrenchRapunzelIRL: Excuse-moi snails are délicieux. I was actually planning on making them tonight for Arthur.

~Tomato&Perfectass: Oooo is that the cute English guy you mentioned earlier?

~PrussianAwesomeness: Hahaha have fun with that. Is he your new boyfriend or something?

~FrenchRapunzelIRL: I wish! Non he is helping me defeat my ex to win Matthieu.

~PrussianAwesomeness: The way you said that sounds like a video game. The boss battle Frenchie vs. The Ex!

~FrenchRapunzelIRL: ...

~Tomato&Perfectass: ...

~FrenchRapunzelIRL: Hey wait a second Gilbert and Antonio why do you care if i'm home around 8?

~Tomato&Perfectass: Lovi is calling me gtg!

~PrussianAwesomeness: Ummm Lizzie and West want me to help them fix something gtg!

~FrenchRapunzelIRL: LIES

Francis tied his hair back with a ribbon and stood up, stretching. While he was up he noticed Arthur and Matthew exiting the building, not noticing where Francis and Alfred sat. An idea crept into his mind, and he squatted down to talk to Alfred. "What do you say we scare Arthur and Matthieu?"

Alfred grinned and nodded, his eyes glinting mischievously. After whispering the plan to Alfred, they silently made their way behind Arthur and Matthew, who were looking for them.

"Where did that blasted frog go?" Francis heard Arthur say before he and Alfred struck.

"Je suis ici!" (I'm here) Francis called as he picked up a startled Matthew by his armpits and swung him around. Francis heard Arthur's surprised shriek as Alfred jumped on him from behind.

"Papa!" Matthew protested as Francis swung him around, both of them laughing. Francis set Matthew on his shoulders, turning around to see Arthur doing the same. Forgetting all about cheating ex's and heartbreak, they went to go get ice cream. 

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