Artie's "time of the month"

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The rest of the disastrous meeting went horribly, in Arthur's opinion. They had come back to the meeting room to face taunts from Emillise, followed by an impossible number of stupid questions.

"For the last time, which of you is more likely to encourage and permit frequent and continuing contact between your child and the other parent; which of you is more likely to maintain a loving, stable, consistent and nurturing relationship with your child; and which of is more likely to attend to the daily physical, emotional, developmental, educational and special needs of your child is the one that gets primary custody. That's a brief summary of the custody laws in this state. If the child is mature enough, which I think he is, the child's opinion will also be considered." Arthur snapped, his gentlemanly persona fading fast. Not a particularly patient man to begin with, Emillise's idiotic questions were taking a toll on him.

She blinked, looking around. "But the kid's not here. Does that mean you don't have to ask him?"

Arthur groaned, throwing down his papers and rubbing his temples. "Good grief this is the fifth bloody time you've asked this question. Matthew is not here right now, but he will be soon."


Francis piped up, saving the Englishman from having to answer anymore questions. "'Is frère will be driving Matthieu et Alfred 'ere."

"Who's Matthieu?" she asked, furrowing her painted on brows.

"Your own child you bloody woman!" Arthur snapped. He was about to continue, but his phone rang. "Hello?"

"Oi Artie i'm out front. Get yer arse out here an' pick tha kids up."

Arthur nodded even though Allistor couldn't see him, and pressed end call. "I'm going to go and pick the kids up. I'll be right back, please do avoid strangling each other."

"Wait what did you mean by 'bloody woman'? I'm not on my period."

"It iz a zing zat ze British say a lot, especially 'im." Francis explained, rolling his eyes.

"Wait so is he on his?" Emillise asked, and Arthur couldn't tell if she was being serious or not.

Arthur stomped outside, seeing his brother's car parked outside while Allistor leaned against it, watching the children play tag.

"Daddy!" Alfred shrieked, noticing his father. Both boys abandoned their game and ran up to Arthur, knocking him back onto the grass and burying him under a pile of small child. After a moment of watching with amusement, Allistor joined the pile. "Well hello there boys- oof Alfie be careful there- Allistor please help me... NOT BY SITTING ON ME YOU TWIT!"

Allistor merely laughed, getting off of him and offering a hand to the slightly squashed Brit. "So how was tha meetin'?"

"I swear to god that woman is the stupidest i've met in a while. I nearly tore my hair out after talking with her for five minutes, I can't even begin to imagine how Francis was married to her for five years." Arthur sighed, leaning back against the car.

"Awww now don't be so sad!" Allistor teased, ruffling his little brother's hair. "Here, I have a surprise for you." he reached back into the car and pulled out a thermos filled with Arthur's favourite tea.

Arthur flashed his brother a rare smile, gratefully accepting the tea. "Thank you Allistor. Now come on boys we need to go inside." He extended a hand out to the two boys, who seized a couple fingers each, and proceeded to walk inside.

As soon as they entered the doors, Matthew let out a whimper and stopped walking, burying his face in Arthur's side. "Matthew? Is everything alright?" Arthur asked, looking down at him. Matthew shook his head and clung to his stuffed bear, Kuma, looking up at Arthur with teary violet eyes. Alfred instantly let go of Arthur's hand and his own stuffed animal, hugging the other boy.

They obviously care for each other, and they are almost identical, despite not being related in any way.

"I don't want to see maman. She 'ates me." Matthew sniffed, returning the hug. Arthur's heart cracked at those whispered words, and he enveloped both of them in a hug.

"It's not for very long poppet, and Alfie, your papa, and I will be there."

Matthew nodded, holding Arthur's and Alfred's hands. Arthur picked up the stuffed animals that both the boys had dropped, and they made their way back to the room, where sounds of an argument were heard.

"Maybe if you weren't such a-"

"What part of 'jamais' do you not understand?"

"It's not in English! Will you stop speaking French for just a moment?!"

"D'accord. Jamais, nie, nunca, soha, mai. NEVER. 'E would be malheureux if 'e lived with you!" (miserable)

Arthur cleared his throat and entered the room. "If you both would shut the hell up and get out, I will be able to get the 'ask the child's opinion' portion of this done." he drawled, tone heavy with sarcasm. The boys dropped his hand, clinging to each other as Alfred stared at Emillise, mouth wide open. Arthur put the stuffed animals and thermos down onto the table in the room, turning to Francis.

"Hey kid." Emillise said, flicking ashes off the tip of her cigarette, despite Arthur having told her at least ten times that she could not smoke in the building. Matthew shrank back, and Alfred stepped in front of him, eyes wide. "What's wrong you brat? Don't you recognize your own mother?" Emillise sneered, blowing smoke in Alfred's face.

"No, my mommy was pretty." Alfred retorted, sticking out his chest defiantly. Emillise grabbed his arm roughly, ignoring his squeak of pain as her nails dug into his skin.

"Apologize to your mother immediately!" Emillise screeched. Alfred began to cry, scared of her, and Matthew ran to Francis and Arthur, hiding behind his father's legs.

"Daddy!" Alfred wailed, trying to get away from Emillise. Arthur had begun to turn around when he heard the squeak, and what he saw now made his vision go red.

"LET GO OF MY CHILD!" Arthur roared, startling Emillise enough for her to loosen her grip. Alfred tore himself free and ran to Arthur, who instantly scooped him up and rubbed his back, trying to soothe him.

"What the hell? He's my kid I can discipline him how I see fit." Emillise said, straightening up and glaring at Arthur.

"No you fucking twit this one is mine! Who bloody hell gave you the right to lay a single finger on him!?" Arthur raged, beyond furious. "Alfred poppet hush it's alright." he cooed, drying his son's tears. "The scary lady won't hurt you now." Emillise started to protest, but was hushed by an icy glare from the Englishman. Emillise huffed and turned back to Francis, who Matthew was hiding behind.

"Hey kid~" She sing-songed, bending down. "It's mommy. C'mere." Matthew stared for a moment, before whispering something. "What?" Emillise asked.

"Pourquoi es-tu ici?"(why are you here) Matthew asked, looking at her with no emotion in his violet eyes. She blinked, looking to Francis for a translation. He sighed.

"Why are you 'ere." Francis translated, looking at Emillise with disgust and a bit of pity.

"Oh Madeline you're so silly! I'm here to take you home with me. Don't ya want that?" She purred, sickly sweetness lacing her words. "Good thing my BOYFRIEND's brother speaks fluent French. You'll love Matt and Allen, they can't wait to meet you." Francis looked at her with shock, and Arthur swore his jaw almost hit the floor.

"What ze 'ell did you call 'im?"

"Madeline, why? That's his name."

As Francis was about to retort, a small voice piped up. "Matthieu, Mattie, Matthew, but my name iz not Madeline."

Arthur cleared his throat, setting his now calm son down. Alfred ran to Matthew's side, where he stuck his tongue out at Emillise. "I need to get Matthew's opinion now, so if you could all step outside, and Emillise you can go home. The court date is in two months, on August 25th. See you then."

Francis nodded, taking Alfred's hand and leading him outside. Emillise left after a bit of complaining, walking to her bright yellow car. 

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