An Open Letter

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To whomever it may concern,

Did you think I'd always be down? Did you think that I'd be unable to live without you? Did you ever give me the power to hurt you, like I gave to you? Do you think about me now? Do you feel guilt, remorse, and regret at the mention of my name? Do you wish that you had done things differently?

I have moved on with my life; you were merely a stepping stone in the vast, deep, plunging lake of Life. I do think of you - of course I remember the person who made me feel so many different emotions; a plethora of positives and negatives. Forgive me, though, for the timelines have got mixed up as we progressed through the passage of Time.

I used to harbour so many negatives thoughts and feelings regarding you. Now, as I learn and experience and grow, I have come to realise that all that negativity has morphed into indifference. Don't get me wrong, though, it's not because you have wronged me that I do not care about you anymore - I always will care about you. I just do not see a point in bringing myself down thinking about all the bad. I have well and truly forgiven you. 

Perhaps, I have hurt you too - probably even more so than you have me. If I am being perfectly candid, though, I do not wish to know. You may call it uncaring of me; you may call it rude. You may even call it mean or unkind. You may see it as betrayal. You may see it however you wish - I am merely being honest about a few of my thoughts and feelings. I prefer to think more positively today, though. 

You have been kind to me, and you have taught me a great many things. Whether intentionally or not, I can no longer differentiate. I can only hope that I have been able to repay the favour. Forgive me, if I have failed. 

Think  not of me with regret, for a great lot of good has also blossomed. Think not of me with guilt, for your doings have only helped me in the long run. Think not of me with pity, for I am doing much better after you have gone. Think not of me with sadness, for moving on is an art that I have mastered. Think not of me with glee or happiness, for I have yet more pain to cause you - as you do me. Think not of me with love, for I do not let go of those that I truly love. Think not of me with hatred, for there have been numerous good and great times as well. 

Think of me and feel grateful - and rest assured that I do the very same. Thank you, for everything that you have ever done to and for me, the good and the bad. Thank you for entering me life. Thank you for leaving. 

Thank you. 


The Girl You Wronged, Who Wronged You.

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