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A/N: firstly from here out it might be AU sorry! I wanted to have a game of quidditch before Slytherin was wiped by Gryffindor! I will try to remain true but there will be some ooc for some people! 

Briar POV:

I had been awake for three days so far and so good. I had been spending the days in a set motion. Mornings with Poppy for check ups and then to breakfast. Severus -I mean Dad made sure I was alright and saw me off before his first class. My schedule still intact and I had been excused from the assignments missed. Which wasn't much. Professor Mcgonagall had me transfigure a mouse into a cup. I had some troubles but not much. Nothing in DADA in fact Dad was able to teach me more in one sitting. 

I had excelled at potions with Dad's help. He had given me lessons and his own copies of the course books that had his old notes. I smiled once more looking at the calendar. I had my hair braided into a french braid. I had a green and silver hair ribbons tied into bows. I had my Slytherin flag and also my scarf. I slid on my cloak and skipped out of my room. I peered out of the room and saw Dad sitting in his chair sipping tea.

"Daddy do I look okay to go cheer Malfoy on today?" I asked shyly.

He peeked up from his paper with a smirk. "You look charming my young Slytherin. Is Ms. Lovegood going to be here soon?" 

"Uh huh! I even have chocolate frogs for both of us! And Malfoy when he wins." I smiled cheerfully.

"Indeed it's Hufflepuff is it not?" He queried.

"It is. Next game is Ravenclaw then Gryffindor! I hope we earn the house cup this year. We did last year but this year I don't know." I murmured tapping my chin. A knock at our door echoed out then.

I ran to it and swung open the door. There stood Luna with A snake stuffed toy and her Ravenclaw uniform. She beamed as she looked around me. "Huh it's so cozy looking. I brought you a snake!" Luna beamed airily and took one out from a bag she was holding. 

"Thank you Luna! Shall we go watch?! I even brought chocolate frogs for later." I giggled.

Luna brightened. "Let's go cheer on your house. I heard Malfoy's already down there!" 

I turned to Dad who was ready behind us. "I'll see you girls in the stands I have a quick stop to make so run along." 

I nodded and Luna and I took off towards the quidditch field. We ran up the stairs to the stands. We finally found a spot in the Slytherin area. I sat down leaning over the edge a bit spotting both teams out and playing. Luna pulled forth some binoculars for us to get a better look. I noted Malfoy in the back awaiting the game to begin. I smiled brightly.

The balls were released and the players take off to gain points. It shocked me to see. I may have said I knew Quidditch but I knew absolutely little about it. I watched a Slytherin girl knock off another from the Hufflepuff team sending her down into the dirt below. I watched as she shrunk in pain. I cringed seeing her arm bent oddly. 

I turned to Luna who had spotted something swiftly in front of us. I followed her eyes and saw a small gold ball. I couldn't help but gasp seeing the wings flutter as it sat floating in front of us.

"The snitch!" Luna exclaimed airily but it still echoed out.

I saw Malfoy sitting on his broom twenty feet away from us narrow his vision as he heard Luna's breathy exclamation. He leaned forth and aimed straight for the golden ball. I was so enthralled in his movements I didn't hear the speaker call out. Well barely did.

"Ten points to Slytherin!" He yelled.

"Ten for Hufflepuff!" 

"Slytherin ten points." 


I shook my head watching the ball being thrown harshly to each other. Slytherin was in the lead with twenty points. I saw the gold ball again and Malfoy hovering in front of me. He smiled and reached for the golden dot. He almost had it when the ball swivelled to the left Malfoy grunted frustrated as the snitch kept adverting him. He let go of his broom and used both his hands. I watched him finally grasp it. I smiled but it was too late he lost balance and fell to the ground.

"Draco!" I cried leaning over the ledge looking at his body. 

He sat up with ease and held his right arm up gold ball between his fingers. I beamed standing to cheer.

"Draco Malfoy has caught the snitch! Slytherin wins!" The Slytherin house erupted.

Luna smiled too hugging her snake. I held mine too. I looked down to Malfoy and noted him not moving his left arm infact he was clutching it close. 

"Malfoy is hurt!" I gasped.

"Good." A bushy haired girl said from a row above me. She looked a little older. I sneered the buck toothed girl. 

"Bite your bloody tongue!" I snapped and pushed passed to get down the stairs.

Luna trailed behind me and we ran out to Malfoy. He was still in the dirt holding the snitch proudly. I ran to him and stood beside him. "You okay?" I asked.

"We won of course I am!" He replied as if I had grown a second head.

I looked to his bruising wrist. I gasped coming closer to look at it. "It's bruising!" 

"Oh my wrist it does hurt. But I should be okay. I'll go see Madam Pomfrey." He waved it off. 

I sighed but plastered a smile back on. "Congrats on the win Malfoy. I brought a chocolate frog for you. To celebrate our house win!" 

Malfoy turned to me and smiled happy now. "Lets see then." 

I pulled out three frogs. Luna snatched one happily. She hugged her snake and smiled up. "Good job Malfoy."

"Call me Draco." He smirked taking a frog too. 

He opened it and took the card out first. "Professor Dumbledore, I have him. Want my card Briar?" 

"Sure!" I smiled and opened my own. I noted I had an elderly man with a funny hat on.

"Bertie Bott! He is the inventor of Bertie Bott's every flavor beans." Draco explained.

I nodded flipping it to see him move. "It's cool!" 

"They are. By the way nice snakes." Draco muttered. 

"Thank you Luna made them." I beamed.

"They are well done Luna. I like them. I've got to go get changed now! See you guys later!" Draco called and left us.

I smiled feeling something weird flutter in my chest. I even feel some sort of blood release in my cheeks. I scrunched my face in confusion.

"Am I blushing?" I asked.

"Yes! You like Draco!" Luna cooed then giggled. "Now come on your Dad is calling you." She pointed over to billowing dark robes and an indifferent Severus Snape. 

I smiled at Dad and ran over. "We won!" 

Dad's lips curled in his best public smile. "Of course we did, Briar. Would you like ice cream to celebrate? We can go to Hogsmeade. Luna do you care to join us?" 

Luna nodded with a smile. "Then lets go." 

We headed out of Hogwarts. Dad took my hand to lead the way and I had Luna's we smiled and laughed along the way. The day was going so well.

A/N: I might even get chapter 9 up this weekend guys! Tell me what you think. Next chapter is Luna and Briar and Draco more then Halloween. I might have a quick Snape/Irma snipet. Remember she is 26 and Snape 32! I am going off the books for that not the movies. Also there is no Pansy Parkinson. I hate her but there will be girls in the future. What did you think about a Briar/Draco in the future. -yes I'm going to follow the books, all, so you get to see her grow up! 

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