The bludger

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A/N: Hey I will admit to OOC and AU all from now on. it is just a filler but a sort of needed filler chapter. I hope you like it we are about to divulge more into it though if you want me to explore more into Irma and Snape please let me know. I will be bringing up more past of Briar's in the future! so please stay tuned I love all of you guys! -Maddi

Briar POV:

A two weeks passed and the school had been a buzz with news of the chamber. I had gone to classes like normal and ate and hung out with Draco and Luna. It was normal. We had Another Quidditch match Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. We all watched Luna was sad at the loss but not much. Dad dropped the Parsel-Tongue thing and continued as nothing happened. Well besides going to Hogsmeade with Dad and Ms. Pince. They let Luna and I go and get treats while they talked. It was odd but kind of interesting to see Dad mingle with some woman. 

Draco told me as did a lot of kids tell me that it was odd seeing Snape go out and talk to a person let alone a woman. I found it endearing that they liked each other. He wasn't as bad in classes as much. Well that was slightly different. Like he would hold patience a little longer than before. A second. But it gave the child some time. My class for potions he was easy on us except when we were with Gryffindors. But besides our outing things were falling back into routine. Luna even was excited for the next game....


I awoke this s morning to a very quiet room. Oddly enough I didn't hear the alarm Dad usually had been setting go off. I went and showered and dressed myself in a simple grey jumper over a white button down and skirt. The Slytherin crest on my chest and I finished with my normal braids.

I skipped out into the den then turned towards the kitchen where Dad sat reading his paper in my usual chair was Ms. Pince. Her long hair only knotted at her neck. She wore a simple short dress and green robe over. Dad in his normal dress. I walked slowly to the entrance not to bother them. 

"I swear that those three were up to no good." Dad snipped cooly. 

"Severus I highly doubt three troublesome children could open the chamber." She replied.

"Yes but few people in history have the talent to use Parsel-tongue." He reminded.

"Yes and Harry Potter is one. Just because he 

may descend from Slytherins implies nothing." Ms. Pince defended.

"Yes but the possibility remains." Dad sighed giving up.

"They do but as Albus said it is highly unlikely a second year is capable of such power. He is a child. A trouble maker maybe but not a criminal. Why would he condemn his mother's kind?" She asked.

Dad said nothing but finally turned his attention towards me. "Briar your food is here. I highly recommend eating up Luna will be here soon I assume as it is a day of Quidditch?" 

I smiled then remembering. It was Saturday and today was the game against Gryffindor today. I took the chair Dad conjured up next to him and ate silently as they turned to each other once more.

"Oh, I forgot of the Quidditch match today! Severus do you mind if we watch first?" Ms. Pince asked. 

Dad nodded. "Of course it slipped my mind until I received a note from Ms. Lovegood to Briar this morning."

"Are you two going on a date?" I dared to ask around my toast.

Ms. Pince blushed then as Dad cleared his throat. Both had their dark eyes looking to me but not each other. I gulped and set my empty glass down. Right then a hurried knock came from the door. I stood knowing Luna would be jumping about now. I opened the door to see Luna standing and smiling. I grinned right back and noted her snake in hand. 

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