Late Nights(Feat. Special Guest)

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Kirshnik Ball(aka Takeoff's real name)

Kirshnik Ball(aka Takeoff's real name)

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Zeigh Morris

"Kirshnik, if you don't stop making all that noise

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"Kirshnik, if you don't stop making all that noise. It's already three a.m. and you trying to cook stuff." Zeigh yelled from her room.

"I am being quiet, close yo' eyes and go to sleep." 

"No, you need to come lay down. I already done woke up to go get you, now you in here making noise."

"Why are you yelling?"

"Why are you making so much noise at three in the morning? But on another note can you make me some of whatever that is."


"Well then, why you making all that noise?"

"Are you ok?"

"Why are you making all that noise?"

"Zeigh, you let a nigga in here, I told you what time I was coming through. I been waiting to see you all week, but you got yo' ass in that room. "

"Cause I'm sleepy, babe listen I  really want to come to out there, but  I have to be up in a few hours."

"For what? Who you meeting, why you going to sleep so early?" 

"Nobody Kirshnik, I have class in the morning.  You do remember, that I am a college student." 

"Oh, shit. I forgot."

"Its fine. And I just remembered that I need one more, art piece for my project."  Zeigh mumbled as she hopped out of her bed walking down the hallway 



"Would you maybe I don't know, be willing to let me use your back for my last art project piece?"

"Excuse me? My back? What the fuck?"

"Kirshnik what did I tell you about, cussing at me?"

"My bad, but can you explain." 

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