I Apologize

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Hey Ladies and Gents!
It's me TheCreativeSilence(duh lol) I just want to say that I apologize for the lack of updates, the lack of creativity, the lack of everything that I should have done as a writer, content creator,etc.  But I wanna say the reason behind  it is I lost inspiration, I felt like the ideas i tried to introduce weren't properly executed and ended up not being accepted well. And in the midst of this I felt like I lost my readers. Which is something I never wanted to do, I've always wanted to interact and have you guys fully support. Because I never want to halfass. So I want to apologize to you all for all of that, and I want you all to know I'm trying to incorporate different ideas, different celebrity face claims etc. I hope you all will help me in this transition as I find my flow again. Thank you all!

With Love

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