For The Love of Thai.(Ft. Woody McClain)

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(So I decided to bring back Thai and Woody real quick.) 

"You love me especially different every time

You keep me on my feet happily excited

By your cologne, your hands, your smile, your intelligence

You woo me, you court me, you tease me, you please me

Woody McClain made every part of his girlfriend light up, rather it be from his cologne , the way he held her hand or simply the way he maaged to observe her as if it was his second nature. That was Thai's favorite thing about him, the fact that he knew her like the back of his hand. It wasn’t a moment when he wasn’t figuring out how he could be a better man for her. She admired that, he was a man of effort. The relationship between her and Woody was something different. Something fresh. Something rare. It was at what they say that Jada and Will love. To Woody his girlfriend was literally a blessing placed in his hand, he never wanted to see her sad or see tears casting down her face. He knew that this type of love was something that the young woman, had never experienced before. While he knew the way they met was untraditional, he strived to make it the best type of love she’d ever had. That’s why he made it his job to always keep her on her feet and making sure Thai was treated like the Queen she was. He gave her the utmost respect and love. Never once having her questioned if the man she loved was stepping out on her.  Woodypromised that he'd never cause a tear to run down her face and if he did, he'd find a way to put himself back in her good graces. While many though the pair were too young to be that deep, in love. 

“Woody, give me your attention.” Thai yelled as she wrapped her body around him

“Thai do you want this food to be burnt or no?”

“I just have a question. That’s it babe, one small question”

“Before we continue, I gotta ask you a question.”

“Did you have a nice time on your art trip. And thank you for asking my mama to join you."

“It was so good, your mom is absolute funny and a joy to have around, I would definitely take her with me again.”

“She called me, talking about Woody your girlfriend got me out her in this country I don’t know nothing about. But I like her so I’m baring through it for her.”

“Aww, really. Why didn’t she say anything to me about it, I would have done and found something for her to do. How was everything here while I was gone?"

Shaking his head Woody let out a quick laugh “Thai help me understand this….Keith came here the same day you left talking about he was sick.”

“Sick from what?"

“He came here, talking about I’m sick. So I asked him why he was sick, this nigga had the nerve to tell me he was sick cause you were gon’ be gone for a week and a half. Like I’m pretty sure that you are my girlfriend, but he was the one sick. So I had to remind him what was up, he was in here trying to play 2K tournaments and paint. To help distract him from you being gone.”

"Aww, stop it. I'm sure I don't have that much affect on him. Sorry for, the pop-up 2k tournaments, he was trying to have.”

“I’m serious Keith really does love you, like in the little sister way. Everyone can see it when the two of you interact. He still doesn’t know you’re home."

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