t y l e r

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Yo there's  abuse  and talk about  murder in here so if this is triggering you should  probably  click away


Are they even alive?

I walk towards the kitchen and pretend to have barely woken up. I rub my eyes and look up to see my dad drinking out of a large bottle.

"Um, dad w-where's mum?" I ask quietly, trying not to piss him off in any way.

"I don't know, go check her room or somethin'. Stop bothering me you rat." he spat out of his dirty mouth that reeked of alcohol.

I don't reply, I just walk away as quickly as possible. Thankfully that isn't the worst he's called me. I tiptoe through the long hallway until I make it to a single door at the end.

The hallway isn't even that long. It probably just seemed it because of the events that followed.

I open the door just enough to see inside and all I see is a neatly made bed. With no one in it.

Usually, at this time she would be fighting with my dad in the kitchen or just sleeping.

I sneak in and see a note on the bed. I pick up the note and read it.

Over and over again. Just to make sure I'm reading it correctly.

She's gone. My mum left because she was tired of it all. "I'm sorry." It says written darker than the rest of the letter, as if the pen was being pressed down hard. It looked like she had trouble writing that specific part.

I read it once more, this time tears running down my face. My eyes become red and puffy.

I hear steps approaching and I pray it's just one of my siblings.

"Where the hell is she?" my dad asks me.

I hide the letter behind my back knowing that if he saw this he'd be furious.

"I'm not sure..." I reply.

"What's that behind your back?!" he shouts as he steps towards me.

I attempt to run but he grabs me by my collar and snatches the note from my hands. He holds onto my wrist to keep me from going anywhere and he reads the letter. He slowly turns towards me and tightens his grip.

"You stupid little boy. You did this. Now what are we gonna do? You know what, you've been bad. You ought to be punished." he says. He proceeds to drag me into his room.

I struggle to get out of his hands but there's no point. He's not letting go or even loosening his grip on me. I'm gonna get beat again aren't I? I give in and he shoves me into a wall. He grabs a bottle and slams it into my head.

All I remember was blood. A lot. Everything became blurry and then I...

Well, I don't know really know what happened after that. I just woke up. I was on the floor and I had bruises and cuts on my arms, legs— everywhere. I couldn't get up. My whole body ached. What did he do to me? I attempted to get up once again and this time I was up on my legs trying not to fall over. I was going along the wall, it keeping me balanced, and I limped to my siblings' rooms.

I peeked inside my sister's room and she was asleep. Same thing with my brothers. Thank god, they're okay.

If they're asleep, then what time is it? I look up to a clock in the hallway and it says it's 1 am. I should probably try to get some sleep, after all I have school tomorrow.


I check my alarm for the time and apparently it's 6:00.

I couldn't fall asleep, my body hurt too much, and so did my mind. I stayed up crying, I missed my mum. She'd try to make sure my dad never laid a hand on me, even though when she wasn't here he hurt me a couple of times. It was never this goddamn bad, though.

I got up, actually being able to walk a little better. My walking was good enough to make it seem like I was okay.

I looked into the mirror and I noticed that I had dried up blood running down my face. I should probably get cleaned up.

I peeled the blood soaked clothes off my damaged body and slipped into the cold shower. It numbed my pain just a little bit. I tried to wash my hair but I rubbed against a huge gash just above my forehead.

Holy shit.

It was huge and hurt like hell. I had to cover this up. Not only that, but I had a lot of cuts and bruises visible on my arms and legs. Thankfully, I never wore shorts.

I have to wear a hoodie to cover my injuries, though. And unfortunately, it was almost 100 degrees outside. I stepped out of the shower and changed into some clean clothing. I pulled on a pair of black jeans and a black hoodie. I also put on a red beanie to cover the damage on my head. I didn't bother to eat anything, despite being extremely hungry. I grabbed my backpack and went outside into the scorching sun.

It was so hot.

I would have to deal with this for a long time, though. Until I was 15, when I murdered my father. After many beatings and attempted suicides, I killed him. And I fled.

I started killing other people. It was easier than I ever thought it would be.

It was also amazing.

I haven't seen my family ever since. I didn't really want to either.

This is how I'm living my life now.

A single tear runs down my cheek and I wipe it away. I'm crying about my past in a school bathroom, how pathetic.

I should probably go, I'm gonna be late for my next class.

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