t h r e e

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I was about to leave the restroom but I had noticed someone in the corner of my eye.

"Hey, are you okay?"

It was Josh. Fuck.

"Oh, um, y-yeah..." I stuttered.

"Alright, uh, bye." he said awkwardly while walking past me to the sinks.

I quickly run out of the restroom and head to art. Hayley was waiting for me after all.

I walk into a colorful room and I spot Hayley at the back of the room. She notices me and waves. I walk to the back and sit in the seat next to her.

"Hi again!" she says.

"Hello." I respond.

We chat away about some normal things and she seems pretty cool. I think I actually made a human friend. I feel very accomplished right now.

We listen to a lot of the same music. She even says she listens to my favorite band!

"Have you listened to their latest album? " I said excitedly.

"Hell yeah!  It's  so good it has to be one of their best albums yet. " she responds.

We continue our conversation fangirling about how hot the band members are. She didn't  seem bothered  by the fact I called other males hot. She actually accepts  me, wow.

The teacher walked in soon after and gave a boring speech about himself and assigned us some homework. We have to sketch something that represents who we are. Seems simple enough.

After class, Hayley and I make plans to go grab some pizza after school. We part ways and go to our sixth period classes.

Unfortunately, Josh is in my class so I have to avoid making any eye contact with him. It's very hard since he's literally the most attractive guy I have ever seen. But I succeed. The bell rings and I rush out of the room and head towards the front of the school. And my first day of school is finished. It actually wasn't that bad. I made a friend and didn't really make a bad impression. Well, except in front of Josh. But, he's just another guy.



Hayley and I walk to the pizza parlor not too far from school and we walk in. It's really old fashioned and retro. It's pretty fricking cool.

A lady with big blonde hair seats us at a booth in the back. The restaurant is mostly light blue with hints of red laced around it. There's a juke box but it doesn't seem to be working, unfortunately.

We order a large pepperoni pizza and right as the waitress walks away we hear the bell attached to the entrance door jingle. And there walks in a guy with black hair and lots of eyeliner alongside two other guys. One has an afro and the other—is Josh.

Of course, Josh has to be here too. Why is he suddenly everywhere?

I turn back to Hayley and she continues her stories about  the many weird things that happen at our school and she tells me about  some people I should watch  out about while giving me some advice.

I don't pay attention to Josh, or try to. I end up sneaking glances at him every now and then but Hayley notices. She raises her eyebrow but seems to brush it off. The bell jingles again and everyone turns toward the door.

Three girls walk in. One has pink and black hair, one has blonde hair, and  the other has blue hair.  Hayley rolled her eyes at them and looked at me.

"That's Melanie, Jenna, and Halsey. They're the popular girls. I'm not gonna lie, I honestly hate them. They're—"

"Oh hi, Hayley." said Melanie mockingly.

"Nice shirt. Lemme guess, sale at Hot Topic again?" Halsey and Jenna snickered and they all walked towards Josh's table.

"Hey Josh." Halsey said flirtatiously.

"You gonna let her take your man, Ty?" Hayley giggled.

"Oh, shut up!" I said while poking her cheek.

"Um, hi." Josh replied, seeming very uninterested.

Their conversation went no where after that. It was mostly Josh trying to get her to leave and the two other girls trying to set them up on a date. Josh politely rejected  and Halsey seemed shocked.

After minutes of pointless chatter Halsey gave up and all three of them finally stopped talking and sat down at a table far away from us.

They whispered to each other every now and then but most of the sound in the building came from Hayley and I laughing at stupid jokes we cracked. We soon saw our waitress approaching with our pizza and we began to eat. It was amazing. The crust was baked to a crisp golden brown with all the toppings were placed evenly and they all complemented the sauce and cheese perfectly.  Then again, I hadn't eaten in days so that could be why I was overreacting  about the pizza.

After we were finished, Hayley had to leave so she paid half of the bill and said goodbye. Soon after she left I paid my half and I left as well.

I opened the door and walked through, stealing a glance at Josh  one more time as I heard the now familiar jingle of the little bronze bell.

I headed towards my house that I bought with the money I got from drug dealing and murder.


I enter the small house hidden behind many trees and sit at the one chair in the middle of what should be the living room. I should probably furnish the house soon. It not only looks empty and boring, it looks really suspicious and just plain weird. I would have to earn some money though, I don't have very much after buying this damn house. Should've  just bought  a cheap apartment.

Oh well. I might as well get some sleep on my 'bed'. I laid down on the thin blankets  covering the floor and shut my eyes while  drifting off to  sleep.

Hopefully tomorrow  will be a good day as well.

Whoops this was rlly rushed sorry

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