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Ugh, I just started school and I'm already sick of it. The teachers are idiots and so are the students. Well except, Josh. 

I now know this mysterious man's name. I learned it during first period. 


"You! In the corner over there. You're next. Would you please stand up and tell us a little bit about yourself?" said Ms. Rudemo very  loudly. 

Jesus Christ, that woman really needs to calm down. The classroom is actually pretty small and there's not even that much students in here, there's no need to scream. I thought to myself, irritated.

"Um, yeah okay. I'm Joshua but people usually call me Josh. Um, I-I also play the drums." He sat back down quickly, obviously feeling uncomfortable and awkward. 

So, that's his name. 

I kept glancing across the room at him admiring his beauty. He eventually turned towards me while I was looking at him and we made eye contact. I felt my face heat up and probably turn red. He smiled at me after about 8 seconds of staring at each other and he turned around soon after. So did I. I was left wondering why I felt tingly during it all. He gave me such a weird feeling that I've never felt ever before. Why was I feeling this now? Hell, I don't even know what this  is.

Is this what death feels like?


Watching students pile into the hallway, I look down at the damaged slip of paper in my hand once again. I've been to 4 classes so far and now it's finally time for lunch. I put my hood on and I walked hastily in the direction of the cafeteria. I admire my surroundings as I walk. This school is actually really beautiful despite the people in it. 

When I finally arrive at my destination, I notice one person before I notice anyone else. Yep, Josh. He's sitting at table in the back by himself. I don't know why, but my mind is telling me to become his friend. Or at least talk to him. Hm, I'll just sit in this empty table, I guess.

I sit down, not bothering to grab any food since I never eat anyway.

A girl with bright orange hair sits next to me. She didn't seem to notice me at all until I pretended to clear my throat.

"Oh my god, I didn't notice you I'm sorry! I'll just get up and l–"

"It's fine. There isn't any other seats left anyway."

We sat in silence.

Well, this is awkward.

"So, what's up?" she asked after a couple of seconds.

"Nothing much. How about you?"



"So what's your name?" I asked trying to make this conversation just a little less awkward.

"Hayley. What's yours?"

"Tyler. So what do you have as your next class?"

"Art!" she said excitedly. "I had art last year as well and it was so fun!"

"I have art too." I said as the bell rang. "I have to go to the restroom really quickly, see you next period?" I said over the obnoxiously loud bell.

"Okay!" she shouted back while hurriedly rushing into the crowd of kids trying to get out through the one small, grey door. Her vivid hair disappeared into the blurs of brown, black, and blonde.

I looked towards the table where Josh was sitting and it was empty. Oh well.

I slowly walked out the door along with the few kids who were still attempting to push through the horde of swarming students and to the restroom I went.

I locked my self in a stall and contemplated whether or not to go to my next class. In the end, I decided to go since Hayley was probably waiting for him and hey, she's not that bad.


The Run and Go/ / JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now