Dragon Slayer Camp

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Time to meet the place where all the mates will live. Let's see how they handle their kidnapies.
                                  -Tulip 🌷
Lucy's Pov:

I opened my eyes slightly to such unfamiliar surroundings.

I was so confused, where was I? Then it hit me. "Natsu?!" I cried out, I received no answer. I looked around to check out where I was.

I was in a closed off cave, there was a small hole on the roof, which is I'm guessing is how I got here. I was sitting on a wad of comfortable moss. There was a small opening in the rocky wall. I nervously peered through it to look outside. I gasped, the mountain was curved around, (try and imagine a small mountain hollowed out, with no top) in the middle I noticed a giant bonfire.

There were other windows's around the mountain.

" Your awake" shocked I turned around to face Natsu. He had horns, and his canines were extended. But it was his eyes that scared me most, they were deep gray. They glowed with hate, anger, and envy. I was terrified.

"Lucy" he spoke.


"Lucy don't you dare talk to your mate like that." He spoke flatly.

"Excuse me!" I was totally flipping out. Natsu grabbed me, he leaned forward his lips inches from mine. "Natsu stop!"


"Just leave me alone" I said pushing him away.

I walked back to my moss bed and wrapped myself in my blanket.


"Hust leave me alone Natsu!" I started to cry.

His eyes narrowed in anger as he jumped up the top of the roof.

Was this my fate? To be the mate of the Fire Dragon?
I suck at writing romance. Let's hope I get better at it soon.
                             -Tulip 🌷

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