Lucy's dream

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Well that was a bit awkward, I feel so bad for Kagura! Let's hope she's ok! And Yukino to!
-Tulip 🌷
Lucy's Pov:

Darkness, I remembered being hit hard. My whole body aced.

"Uhg, what happened?"

"Where am I?" I asked myself. I looked around. This wasn't camp. I noticed I was in the woods, it was pitch black night.

" me p-please?" I turned around and gasped in horror. A young girl about the same age of Romeo, lay on the ground. There were chains wrapped around her ankles, and wrist.

She was blindfolded, and covered in bruises, blood fell from deep cuts in her body.

"Oh-dear god...." I whimpered. Running to the girl. "What happened?" I asked, ripping of her blindfold.

Her eyes were faded emerald, tears were streaming down her face. She was losing blood fast.

"Shush, it's going to be ok," I lied to the girl. I could feel her life fading.

"W-will you please sing for me...?" She begged.

I started to cry. But I sucked it in and began to sing, a song my mother used to sing to me when I was a child.

"A long time ago
The Sun. Fell in love
With the Moon. Even
Though he knew they
Could never fall in love.
But he never stopped loving
Her. But one day the sun
Noticed the Moon was
Dying. For he was always
Shining his light, so she
Never was able to shine
Her darkness. He tried to
Help her but whenever he
Went close. It hurt her more."

"The sun loved the moon so much he died every night to let her breath and bring her darkness into the world."

I sung.

She weakly turned her head to face me, one last tear slipped down her cheek.

"Thank you"

Then she was gone. "N-no" I whispered. I closed her eyelids, picked her up and put her against the closest tree. I picked a few roses and put them around her.

I began to walk on my way, I forgot why I was here, or what for. Hour after hour past by.

I began to hear the screams. "Wha?" I started to run. I stopped and stared. A city two times bigger than Mongolia. Was on fire, buildings were crumbling. People we're screaming, running past the dead. I looked up to see the attacker.

A dragon!

It was furious, its eyes shown of pure evil!


"Echo?" The girl it couldn't be.

"NO PLEASE STOP, SHE WOULDN'T HAVE WANTED THIS!" I screamed at the dragon.

Images of destroyed city's, death looming, dragons screaming, ran through my head.

The dragon turned to me. "DIE!" It screeched. "STORM DRAGON ROAR!" I was engulfed by the magic.

I was in darkness once more. "Lucy!" "Lucy!" "LUCY!" I opened my eyes to see Natsu the dragon looking at me. After just experiencing the death of thousands by a dragon.
I cringed back.

"Lucy it's me!" Natsu called out. I peered into his eyes where evil did not dare loom.

I ran and hugged his foot crying, he took his wing and wrapped it around me. "It's ok Luce." I'm here."

"Yeah Luce your ok," I voice reeking with venom.  Spoke above everyone. We turned in fear, to look at the familier kidnappers.

"Give me back Yukino!" Kagura cried out. Leaping at the man to only be dragged back by Rouge.


I then realized it

Stings eyes were the same eyes of the raging dragon in my dream, dark, bitter, angry, and evil. But only because Yukino was gone.

Wait..... that sweet little girl couldn't have been that creatures mate!?

When he was attacking me I heard him call a dragon slayer move. Yes! That dragon was the Storm dragon slayer.

When he found her dead he probably lost it, my heart lurched in my stomach. Our mates weren't monsters unless we were killed.

But who killed the mate of the Storm dragon?

I didn't notice the magic circle forming below all us mates feet. Or Natsus cry of warning.

My body began to fade, teleportation magic. And once again my companion darkness embraced me with open arms.

I began to see another memory.

A beautiful girl with blue hair that reached her feet, and sparkling emerald eyes. Was singing a song like silk, her voice like an angels. I noticed she was singing to a dragon. Who was standing above her listening.

"Please sing me another song my Echo" it ordered. She began to sing, my heart hurt. It was the same song I sang to her before she closed her eyes forever. when she was finished, the storm dragon purred in approval. She then turned to me. And mouthed.

I'm sorry....

That was sad to write, well looks likes Lucy made a discovery on a bit of the past of one of the original dragon mates. Who was killed by an unknown being. Lucy finally is realizing the deadly power the dragon wield. But now she has been captured, will she survive or die.
-Tulip 🌷

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