Chapter 1: An Unknown Power

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Voices echoed in the 18-year-old's ears.

"Hold on!" one shouted.

"Come up here; we'll be safe!" another declared.

One more was nothing but a cry of agony.

They were all screams of the deceased, and they were quickly forgotten by the teenager. Her memories were gone from her mind. Those voices had been their last cry.

Her heart began to beat quicker, helping return life to her once-dead body. Adrenaline, along with blood, was pumped through her veins. She was scared, not understanding who or where she was or what was going on. The flat roof was wet beneath her, and all around her she could see murky water, visible roofs, and the tops of a few very thick trees.

She then looked up, as if wondering if the night sky also showed any signs of destruction. However, she could only see the stars and a full moon. That moon's glow seemed to calm her somehow, as if it was telling her that there was nothing to be afraid of.

"Your name is Scarlett Cupid," it told her, its voice warm and kind.

"Where am I?" Scarlett asked, but she received no response. "Hello? Can you please tell me where I am?" Still nothing. So she picked herself up, her clothes remarkably dry, and looked around for anything that might tell her her location. As she walked towards the edge of the roof, she felt like something was weighing down her back. She reached behind her with one hand to see if she could feel anything, and her fingers brushed against something feathery. As she retracted her hand, she looked behind herself and was shocked. Large, white, angel-like feathery wings were attached to her back, although they had no feeling in them. She grabbed one of them and moved it around with her hand to see if it would do anything, and a warm tingling sensation shot through both wings and the rest of her body. Her wings then picked up the feeling of a warm wind blowing through the air. She flapped them, but they still felt kind of numb, as if half asleep. She then spotted a golden glow off in the distance and got as close as she could to the roof's edge, trying to see what it was. Now that she was standing, she could also see a few helicopters flying around in the sky with their lights shining on the roofs and the water, the latter so opaque that she couldn't even see a foot into it.

"Hey!" she called out to one of them that was flying close to her, its blades making a noise so loud that she could barely hear her own voice. She waved her arms around, jumping up and down, and shouted again, but it just passed over her, its occupants not even giving the winged girl a glance. It was almost like she wasn't even there.

While she had been concentrated on the helicopter, the golden light had gotten closer. It was now hovering forty feet away from Scarlett, slightly illuminating the impenetrably filthy water and the rest of the corrupted landscape. It was a reflection of its light that caught her attention again, and she turned back towards it. Now that it was closer, she could see that it looked like...a person? She flapped her wings again to test them, and they weren't as numb as before, but they were still somewhat.

"Hey!" she then shouted at the golden being, and waved her arms at him. It looked like a he. The golden man looked up from the destruction beneath him and at her, then flew right over. "Can you please tell me where I am?" she asked him, who was a short, plump man with frizzy blond hair and a warm-looking robe made out of what looked to be glowing, golden sand that covered him from his neck to his toes. He looked at her, concern on his round face and in his golden eyes. He then gestured for her to follow him and started flying off. "Wait! I...I can't fly..." Her words faded off into the night, the last one barely audible, for she was ashamed. Who had ever heard of a winged being who couldn't fly? Well, there were birds like penguins, but her wings almost seem like they were meant for flying. She felt like she should be able to fly, but, yet, she couldn't, at least, not right then. They didn't seem ready yet.

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