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Jack and Katie found an nice hotel that was located in the middle of no where. Jack's been driving for 3 hours away from the danger of Slender. Katie has yet to know why they left so quickly. She was becoming tiered of Jackson being so hush hush about the scenario.

"Jackson, tell me! I just left my home and my career, you might as well cough up to why you left with me!" Katie gritted her teeth.


"Don't call me Kate! I'm sick of all this BULLSHIT that you hide from ME! Me the person who gave you a place to live, gave you fucking food, LET YOU LIVE!" Katie screamed.

She was stressed. She wanted to go home.

"This is your problem, you, yourself, should be here by yourself. Why did you bring me? Ugh, why did I even come?" She ran her fingers through her hair.

Jack stood there. What was he to say? The truth, then she'd realize this whole time he was lying to her. That he wasn't an assassin, he was a murdering puppet. He drug Katie into this mess, and now, its like he can't help her crawl out. She would hate him, and leave.

"Katie,...I can't..I" he stuttered.

"You what?-" she push him "-Tell me the truth?" She smirked,"Tomorrow taxes are due, I have a huge match in three days that can really get us the money, we have bills past due, and...and-I can't handle the stress" Katie stood and grabbed the keys on the desk and walked to the door.

  "Kate wait, no-don't go.." Jack grabbed her arm.

She swung around and slapped him.
"NO, you listen to me and listen fucking closely, these past 4 months have been fun but all this BULLSHIT of covering up your silly little blood trails and dealing with the fucking demons you bring home is annoying. I'm still getting over the fact you eat GOD DAMN KIDNEYS! Yes! I found you eating them one night, covered with MY oatmeal I made for you! Look me I'm in the eyes when talk to you!" She screamed flicking her hand under jacks chin, ripping his head up.

"I'm going home, call a cab" she opened the door and almost walked out until Jack pulled her in, covering her mouth,she struggled to get away.

Jack tried to sit her on the bed but she jumped up and in to corner of the room. Fear clouded her eyes as he crept closer.

"Kate...those people I worked for-I didn't work for. I was a trained puppet, and they're dangerous, they want me back and there going to take you to get to me. There." He stood, head down in shame.

Kate, breathing heavily, shook her head,"WHY CAN'T YOU SPIT OUT THE TRUTH?!"

His head jerked up.

"You-your always pulling these lies. Why? I would've gone with you! I-I hate you l-lying" she began to cry and fell to the floor.

Jack knelt down and swept her from the ground and sat on the bed to cradle her as she cried.

"Your right I'm sorry" he whispered.
She leaned up. Her bright blue eye filled with water and rimmed with red circles. She hugged him.

"Thank you, for being cool" she sobbed.

"I love you"

She pulled back and look at him with a 'wot?' Face then smiled.

"Yeah. Me too"

Jack heart sprung for joy and hugged her tighter then ever before.

"J-jack...can't breath" Katie laughed.

"S-sorry...shucked I've never a had me a lady friend"

The two busted out laughing and stay up all night talking about future plans.

Jack vowed that night to keep her safe. And give her the life she always wanted.

A normal one.

Eyeless Jack Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now