Everything Kate,Everything

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-<4 months later>-
Katie ran as fast as she could to her bedroom. With sweaty palms she lock the door. She heard big footsteps down the hall then the door knob began to jiggle.

She gulped, fear rising as she dashed under the bed. She tried to slow her breathing when she realized that the door to her room stop jiggling. Then, she heard the door slowly creep open. She put her hand over her mouth. Footsteps. Slowly they made there way through the room.

Then everything went silent...

Katie felt a hint if relief until she felt strong hands grasp her ankles and pulled her out from under the bed. She scream as arms pulled her up and threw her on to the bed.

"NO PLEASE NO!" She screamed then giggled as fingers tickled her all over.

"OK OK STOP I'LL PISS MYSELF!" She begged and Jack stop and fell to the ground laughing. Katie got up and playfully kick jack in the side.

"You Dick" she giggled.

Jack now falling madly in love with Katie convinced her to let him stay there. He didn't want to go home anyways.

Katie in fact loved the company of Jack. He was a good cook to. He's really good at grilling 'chicken and steak'. She herself was fond of Jack but not as serious as he saw her.

Katie turned the Laundry room into a nice room for jack and for all of his weapons. Katie and him decided that Jack would feed them and clean, while she'll pay the bills. The system worked out great.

Jack now deciding that he didn't need the pasta's became a full time assassin. He changed his costume up to protect his identity from the pasta's. Jack made good money and was able to buy him and Katie an Xbox that they'd play together almost everyday.

To bad jack never realized that slender knew his killing techniques and weapon choice. That information led Slender straight to Jacks where a bouts and when he discovered the reason for his absence he was furious.

Jack, discovered this on his way home. He was being followed. He turned and soon realized that Jeff was tracking him. He ran after him then tackling Jeff and pushed him against a tree.

"Who are you?" Jack put a knife to Jeff's throat.

"I knew it, Slender knows too. Its you Jack", Jack stepped back and dropped Jeff.

"Jack you and I are good friends...but...bro before hoes. Well alive hoes, slender sent me to distract you. Let me dance so that can distract you while he kills her!" Jeff began to dance while Jack turned and ran as fast he could home. His heart breaking,the fear of Katie dying consumed him.

Jack reached the front door and swung the door open to find Katie playing Call of Duty on the couch. Jack, his heart slowing and relief over flowing him, ran to her and hugged her.

He held her for a whole minute until she asked,"Jack, they hell is up?"

Jack bounced back into reality and grabbed her hands and looked into her eyes through his crow like mask

"We're leaving, now" he said.

He turned to grab weapons, money and food from the kitchen.

Katie followed him,"Ok, what the hell? What did you screw up on this time?" She chuckled.

Jack stopped and looked down on her,"Everything Kate, Everything".

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