Fan Fiction... Again? I thought you didn't like it?

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Living with Damon and Stefan by Dark-Violet

Marni is 14. She lives with Damon and Stefan Salvatore in the Salvatore bording house. She also has powers; she can control the elements. She is about to start school at Mystic Falls High. Will things go as normaly as she thinks it will?

So I KNOOOWWW I said I didn't really like fan fiction BUT I couldn't help myself because this book was hilarious and I love to laugh. What can I say?  

I THINK this is vampire diaries fan fiction but I'm not sure because I've never watched the show or read the books...  

This book is hilarious though and that's why I read and enjoyed it.  

The summary sounds a little vague and teeny boppy but reading it is worth it. I spent 2 of my days during my spring break (on my vacation in Florida) reading this instead of being out on the beach.  

But what can I say? I liked it.  

There is also a sequel to this book but it's not finished yet (I think).

And it had some surprising twists. So go out there in the Wattpadian world and READ it.  

This part of my "book" is dedicated to the author Dark-Violet and the link to the book is below. 

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