~Chapter Three~

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~(y/n)'s P.O.V~

Okay, now, it's lunchtime. Which means, I have to eat with Mr. Overprotective. Yay! Yeah, I'm not looking forward to this. "So, do you want to eat outside?" I asked, hoping that for once, he didn't have his earbuds in his eyes. Sadly, he did have them in. I'm starting to really hate those earbuds... So much, that, I decided to pull one out of his ear. "What the hell was that for?!" Gladion said, while giving me a harsh glare. "I was trying to ask you a question!" "What is your pointless question?" Did he just seriously call my question pointless!?

"I wanted to know if you wanted to eat outside. But, since my question's pointless-" "We're going outside." "Hey, you can't tell me what to-" Gladion then grabbed me, by my wrist, and, started to drag me in a certain position. Man, his grip is quite painful...

Once we made it outside, we started heading in a certain path. "Where are you-" "Stop talking, it's annoying me." Man, if I wasn't on school grounds.... We soon approached Hau, who was with Lillie. It seems like this is what Gladion was chasing. Gladion sat down, in-between Lillie and Hau. "Hey! Do you mind?" Hau said, very annoyed. "Not at all." "(y/n), come sit with us!" Hesitantly, I sat down, next to Lillie.

Despite Gladion sitting in-between Lillie and Hau, Hau still tried to talk to Lillie. At some point, he said something, that made Lillie laugh. I wasn't laughing, because, I wasn't really paying attention. Gladion scowled at Hau. "Gladion! You need to chill!" I said, my patience starting to thinning. "You can't tell me what to do." I knew he was right, but, did he seriously have to be so rude?! I huffed, in annoyance.

"So, (y/n), would you like to come over today?" Lillie asked me. "No!" Gladion shouted. I gave him my best death glare. "I would love to." "Great." Lillie said, while smiling. "Lillie..." "Gladion, (y/n)'s right, you do really need to chill. I understand that you're trying to protect me, but, seriously..." Lillie said, before sighing.

"Hey, what about me?" Hau asked, obviously wanting to see Lillie after school as well. "If I wasn't excited about (y/n) coming over, do you really think I'd let you come over? The answer's no." Hau did his best 'fake frown.' It had no effect, on Gladion. That's quite a surprise, since his 'fake frown' always works on me. Am I really weak?

"Gladion?" "What?" Gladion asked me, voice full of irritation. "Why are you always in a bad mood?" "I don't have to answer your questions." What a jerk! I was just asking a simple question. How dare he treat me like that! "(y/n), you might want to eat your food, before lunch's over." I looked down, at my lunch, to see that I hadn't even taken a single bite. "Thanks, Hau." I said, before taking a bite, of my lunch. "You're welcome." Hau said, while giving his famous smile. Gladion, you could learn a lot from Hau, especially in the 'How to be nice to someone else for once!' category!

I figured out how to post, even though Google wasn't (and still isn't) working (if you look at my profile, you'll understand what I'm talking about). Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

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