~Chapter Four~

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~(y/n)'s P.O.V~

Finally, school's over! I went to my locker, put things I didn't need in my locker, and, grabbed things I did need. After closing my locker, I headed out, to the front of the school. There, I found Lillie and Gladion waiting for me. "I'm quite surprised." "About what?" Lillie questioned. "Why has Gladion waited for me?" "Well, he wants to make sure I'm safe. So, he insists that he walks me home." "That's sweet." "Don't get me wrong, (y/n). I don't care about your wellbeing. If I had to, I'd leave you, to save my sister." "Wow, that hurts." I said, very sarcastically. But, seriously, can this guy be any ruder? "Gladion, you should be nicer to (y/n)!" "Don't worry, it's fine..." I said, through gritted teeth.

We then started to head to Lillie and Gladion's house. On the way, Lillie and I talked about random things. Gladion, he stayed quiet, the entire time. When we arrived at the house, I couldn't believe my eyes. It looked like they lived in a mansion! "This is where you live?" "Yeah, we're kind've rich..." "Oh..." "Problem with that?" Gladion asked, with is arms crossed. "Not at all. It's just that... I've never seen a house this large before." "That's fine. Let me lead you to my room!" Lillie then grabbed me, by the hand, and, dragged me into the gigantic house.

For a while, Lillie and I just talked. Then, we did some of her favorite activities, which consisted of playing dress-up, and, singing (When no one else was in the room).

After some time, it was time to eat. Lillie led me to the dining hall. Again, I was so impressed. And, I was even more impressed, when I tried the food. "This is delicious!" "Glad you think so, (y/n)." Lillie said, before smiling.

Before long, it started to get dark. "Well, guess I should be heading home." I said, while standing up." "Do you want me to walk with you? So, you aren't alone?" "You're not going to do anything of the sort." Lillie and I looked up, to see Gladion. "I will not allow Lillie to be out, at dark." "So, does this mean that you'll walk me home?" "No." "Gladion, please, do this, for me! I don't want (y/n) to get mugged, or, worse...." Gladion sighed. "Fine. But, only because I don't want you to do it, Lillie." "Thanks, Gladion!"

Gladion and I are now headed to my house. Wow, it's going to be awkward, to have Gladion know where I live. Pushing that thought aside, I tried to start a conversation with Gladion. "So, what are your interests?" I asked, purely out of curiosity. Gladion didn't respond. I looked closer, to see that he had his earbuds in his ears. I groaned, in frustration.

Okay, now, I'm starting to get mad. I've tried to start a conversation with Gladion, six times! I've had it! "What's your problem!?!" I exclaimed, loud enough, so Gladion could hear me. He took out an earbud. "What's wrong now?" "You. Why don't you ever respond, when I try to start a conversation!?" Gladion didn't even flinch. Instead... "Why are you so bothersome?!" I finally snapped. "Bothersome!? If anyone's the bothersome one, it's you! You know what, I don't need your help, to walk home!" "Fine, but, don't blame me if you get raped." Gladion then walked away, leaving me all alone, in the dark.

After a while, I finally got home. My mom wasn't home yet, so, that means I don't have to explain where I've been. I did my nightly routine, before heading to bed. While trying to fall asleep, I wondered why Gladion had to be so rude.

Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

~From Haters, To Lovers: Gladion X Reader~Where stories live. Discover now