~Chapter Nineteen~

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~(y/n)'s P.O.V~

Around ten in the morning, Gladion knocked on my door. After opening the door, Gladion took me to the beach. Now, here we are, trying to decide what to do. "Want to go into the water?" I suggested. "Sure, if that's what you want." Wow, Gladion's sure gotten a lot more considerate over the past week. If he said this, when I still hated him, I would've thought he was an alien.

Now we are in the water, swimming around. We kept swimming, until we got to a deep area. But, it wasn't so deep, or far away from the beach. Just deep enough that we couldn't touch the ground. As we were swimming, I felt something tug at me. I tried to tug back, but, it took me into the water. I didn't even have time to scream Gladion's name, for I was taken under the water too fast.

After getting under the water, I tried to see what was holding me captive. But, since it was so dark under the water, I couldn't see a thing. Before I blacked out, I wondered if Gladion noticed that I was missing...

~Gladion's P.O.V~

Don't worry, (y/n), I'm coming after you! I know she was dragged under the water. But, with the current changing every now and then, I can't exactly pin point where (y/n) is. Plus, the dark water doesn't help either. But, I can't let (y/n) just die on me. So, I picked a spot, and, dived in. It hurt to have my eyes open, but, I had no other choice.

After about thirty seconds, which felt like forever, I found (y/n), and, brought her to the surface. She was unconscious. I swam towards the shore, pleading with (y/n) to not die on me.

As I arrived, at the shore, people started looking our way. I didn't care. I then realized that (y/n) needed CPR. I blushed, but, did it anyway. (y/n) started coughing up water. She then opened her eyes. "Gladion... You saved me... Thank you..." "Of course, I'd do anything to save you. Because, (y/n), I care about you..." I said, while looking away, a blush probably visible on my face.

When I looked down, I saw (y/n) blushing. But, why would she...? "We should probably head back." "Yeah, I agree with you." I then helped a wobbly (y/n) up. After (y/n) was able to firmly stand, for at least a minute, we started to head back to the mansion.

When we got back, Hau was waiting for me. Once (y/n) left, to go probably get showed, Hau walked up to me. "So, how'd the date go?" "Horrible." That's all I said, before leaving to go get showered, as well. 

~(y/n)'s P.O.V~

While showering, I was thinking about what Gladion had said. I repeated what he said to myself. Does this mean that he actually cares about me? After getting out of the shower, I headed to the main part of my room, to get changed.

Though, when I only had my panties on, I heard the door open. I swiftly turned, to see Gladion. We each stood like that, for a moment, before we both realized what was going on. "S-Sorry... I-I d-didn't m-mean t-to c-come i-in w-while y-you w-were g-getting c-changed." Stuttered a blushing Gladion, as he looked away. "It's fine..." If we weren't in this situation, I'd find his stuttering quite adorable. I quickly pulled up a pillow up, to cover my body. "Please... Get out..." "Oh, right... Again, sorry..." Gladion then closed the door. After he did so, I went up to the door, and, locked it. When I looked into the mirror, I saw that my face was deep red. "Well... That just happened..."

Sorry, that it took forever for me to update. Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

~From Haters, To Lovers: Gladion X Reader~Where stories live. Discover now