~Chapter Twenty-Two~

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~(y/n)'s P.O.V~

It's almost five-thirty-pm. I started heading to the garden, hoping I wouldn't be late. When I arrived, I looked at my phone. I was right on time. Yes! "You actually came." I looked around, to see Gladion walking up to me, with something behind him. "Yeah, of course. What do you have behind your back?" "Excellent question. Now, close your eyes." I closed my eyes, and, felt something being placed in my hands. "You can open them now." I opened my eyes, to see a magnificent rose. The petals were so beautiful, and, the thorns had already been taken off. "Gladion, thank you." I said, while slightly blushing. "You're welcome."

"So, did you ask me to come out here, just for a rose? Don't get me wrong, I love it. I just-" "(y/n), there's something I need to tell you. It's very important." "I'm listening." "(y/n), when I first met you, I didn't like you. Not even a little." I frowned.

"But, over the past few weeks, you've somehow opened my heart, to something I had never experienced before. Love. (y/n), you cared for me, even when I didn't really deserve it. And, it's unlocked my heart. (y/n)... I love you. My heart is officially yours. You can do whatever you want with it. You can even reject it. But, just know this, I'll always love you."

I couldn't believe it. My crush, he was confessing his love for me. "Gladion, I... I love you too..." I said, as tears of happiness were streaming down my face. "(y/n), would you... Would you like to be my girlfriend?" I took no time hesitating to answer. "YES! A MILLION TIMES, YES!" I then tackled Gladion into a hug. We both fell over, with me on top of him. We were both blushing messes. But, I didn't care. And, I'm pretty sure Gladion didn't care either.

We both then stood up. Before I could say anything else, Gladion pulled me in, for a passionate kiss. Our wet muscles fought, for dominance. But, of course, Gladion won. And, as his prize, he got to explore every bit of my mouth.

Sadly, though, our kiss had to end, due to the need for air. "Wow..." Was I could say. "Yeah... So, what do you want to do now, girlfriend?" I thought for a moment, before responding. "Doesn't matter, as long as it's with you." We were both smiling now. Yep, Gladion was smiling. And, it was a wonderful smile. "You should smile more. It suits you." "I'll put that into consideration." Gladion then pulled me in, for another kiss. We kissed, under the starry night sky. Everything, everything is just as it should be. I'm glad I met you, Gladion. 

Well, there you go. The end of this fanfic. I hope everyone enjoyed this small contribution to the Gladion fan-base. I do have other Gladion X Reader stories, on my profile, if you're interested. Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

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