~Chapter Eight~

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~(y/n)'s P.O.V~

After school, I walked up to Lillie. "Hey." "Hey, (y/n). Is there something you need? I'm sure Gladion will get worried, if I don't hurry home." "I understand. I was just curious if I could bring Gladion some soup, since he's not feeling well." Apparently, Hau heard this, because, he started teasing me. "Aw, is someone in love?" "No! I'm not in love! I just want Gladion to get better, so, we can continue to work on our project. No other reason!" "Sure... Keep telling yourself that..."

"Sure, I'm sure Gladion would appreciate that. Here." Lillie then wrote someone down, and, gave it to me. "This is my address, so, you don't get lost." "Thanks." "See you!" Lillie then left. Just before I was about to head home, Hau made kissing noises. I rolled my eyes, at his childish behavior, before heading home.

After getting home, I started cooking the soup. I hope the soup turns out well... Some time passed, and, the soup was finally done. That's when my mom came home. "Hey, (y/n). I'm home." "Welcome home." I said. "Darling, did you cook us dinner?" "No, I made this for Gladion." "Oh..." Oh dear, here comes the teasing.

"Oh? I didn't know you were already cooking dinners, for your love of your life..." "HE'S NOT THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!" "Keep telling yourself that." I sighed. "Would you mind driving me to Gladion's house, so, I can give him the soup?" "Sure. Get the soup, and, meet me in the car." My mom left, to go get the car started. After putting the soup in a giant container, I got in the car.

When we arrived, my mom's eyes got wide. "Wow, this place is huge. I'm guessing this means your boyfriend's rich, huh?" "Yeah, he is rich. But... HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" "Like I said earlier, keep telling yourself that." I sighed, before exiting the car. "I'll be back in about three hours, to pick you up. Behave yourself. Don't do anything too naughty." "MOM!" My mom laughed, before driving away.

I took a deep breath, before knocking on the door. I was met with a worker. "Who are you?" "I'm (y/n)-" "Let her in." Lillie told the worker. "Of course, Lillie." The worker stepped aside, and, let me in.

Lillie then led me to what I assumed was Gladion's room. "So, how's Gladion doing? Any better?" "I don't know. I haven't seen him since this morning." "Oh..." We then arrived at Gladion's room. Since I was holding the soup, Lillie knocked on the door, for me.

~Gladion's P.O.V~

I was awoken, by some knocking on the door. Irritated, I got out of my blanket burrito, and, trudged to the door. When I opened the door, I saw Lillie, and (y/n). (y/n) was holding a container. "What?" I said, irritated my nap had been interrupted.

"I'm sorry to have woken you up. But, I heard you weren't feeling well, so, I decided to bring you some soup." This shocked me. (y/n) actually took time out of her day, just to make something for me?! "Thanks..." I said, while looking away. "But, don't get the wrong idea. It's not like I care about you. I just want you to feel better, so, you can help me with our project."

I don't really care what the reason was for (y/n) making me some soup. The point is that she did it. Well, I think I finally get what's going on with my mind now. I'm wanting (y/n) to be my friend.

"Would you like to come in? We could... Eat together..." "Oh, sure." (y/n) then entered my room. I'm glad my room was already clean. I got out my phone, and, demanded that some of the chefs bring some bowls, and spoons. In mere minutes, the bowls and spoons were on my room's table.

"Oh, that reminds me, I have to go do something. Away from here." Lillie then left, leaving me with (y/n). All alone, just the two of us. (y/n) then got out a ladle, to scoop up some soup, for me. "How many scoops?" (y/n) questioned. "Just one, for now." "Okay." (y/n) then got me the one scoop, and, brought the bowl to the table. She then got herself some soup, as well.

When I tried the soup, I couldn't believe how amazing it was. But, of course, I wouldn't let it show. "Like it?" (y/n) asked me. "Yeah, it's good." "Glad you think so." Then, after that, we had an awkward silence.

After a while, (y/n) left. And, after she left,I finally came to the conclusion, that answered my concerns. I hate to admit it, but, I want (y/n) as a friend. And, I intend to make that happen.    

There you go, I hope you enjoyed it! If not, I'm sorry! Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

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