~Chapter Eighteen~

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~(y/n)'s P.O.V~

I awoke, to my phone going off. Though, it wasn't my alarm that was going off. I was receiving a call. I picked up the phone, and answered it. "Hello?" My tired voice said. "(y/n), I have some important news for you. This is the police." The police?! Am I in trouble?! "I swear I'm innocent-" "No, you're not in trouble. It's your mother..." My eyes widened, as the police officer explained that my mother was now dead. No... She can't be gone.

"We are very sorry for your loss. Later, we will be there, to help you find a new place to live." "I think I know where I want to go." "Oh, what do you suggest?" "I will be living with two good friends of mine." "Okay. I'll give you some time to get some things together. We will have a moving truck there, in a few hours, to help you move your things to your friend's house. But, please, understand, you can't live there, unless they adopt you." "I understand." "Again, we are very sorry for what has happened." "Thank you..." The phone call then ended.

That's when the waterfall of tears started to come out of me. I didn't care who heard, I was too depressed to care. First, my dad leaves us, and, now, my mom dies. Now, I have no one left...

~Gladion's P.O.V~

I was woken up, to the sound of sobbing. I soon recognized the sound as (y/n). I bolted up the stairs, and, opened the door. (y/n) looked up to me, fresh tears falling down her face. I raced over to her. "What's wrong?!"

Once I heard the whole story, I couldn't blame (y/n) for being depressed. For a while, I did my best to comfort (y/n). Though, I don't know if I can really do anything to comfort (y/n)...

"Gladion..." "Yes?" "Would it be okay... If I stay with you guys for a while? I talked to the police, and, they said that it'd be okay. But, it wouldn't be permanent." "Of course, you'll welcome to stay as long as you need to." "Thank you, Gladion. Would you mind helping me get some things packed?" "Of course, just tell me what you need help with, and, I'll do it."

Soon, Hau and Lillie learned of the death of (y/n)'s mother. "That's awful...." Lillie said, trying to hold back her own tears. "Wow, that sucks." I looked at Hau, and, glared at him. How dare he be so inconsiderate! "I know..." (y/n) started to tear up, again. I gave Hau another harsh glare.

After a while, the moving truck. Hau and I helped load the truck, while Lillie did her best to comfort (y/n). After everything was packed, that (y/n) planned to bring with her, we all got into the car that I had my butler bring us. "Mind going in the moving truck, and, giving us some privacy?" "Not at all." The butler then left the car, letting us have the car to ourselves. I got in the driver's seat, while Hau sat next to me. In the middle, sat Lillie, and a crying (y/n). I feel so bad for her. I wish there was something I could do, to help her feel better. I then drove off, for our house.

When we arrived, I led the still crying (y/n) to her new room. I chose the largest guest bedroom that we had. It included a king-size bed, a lover's couch, with a recliner, opposite of a TV, a gigantic closet, and, included a large bathroom. There were also dressers, mirrors, etc. Include a mini kitchen, and, you could live here. But, since we have chefs, we don't need a mini kitchen in the guest rooms.

"(y/n), do you want some help, to unpack?" "No... I just want to be alone, right now." "Okay, I understand." I then left. But, before I was out of earshot, I heard (y/n) begin to cry once more.

After walking around, I bumped into Hau. "Gladion! I've been looking for you!" I groaned. "What is it now, Hau?" "I think I know how you can cheer up (y/n)." I raised an eyebrow. "And, what is this idea?" "Take (y/n) out on a date!" My eye twitched. "Why the hell would (y/n) want to go out on a date, now of all times?!" I tried to keep my shouting quiet, as to not disrupt the other workers. "Because, when someone's sad, one of the best things you can do for them is to distract them. Doing this gets the person to temporarily forget about why they were sad. You know, make it so (y/n) isn't thinking about her mother." "That's... Actually, that's not a bad idea." "See!? So, go ask (y/n) out on a date!" I turned around, and, started running towards (y/n)'s room. I didn't care if people looked at me, with strange looks. I have a mission. And, that mission is to help (y/n) feel better.

When I arrived, at (y/n)'s house, I knocked on her room door. "C-Come on i-in..." Poor (y/n), she must still be crying... I opened the door, and, walked up to her. (y/n) was curled up, in a little ball, on her bed. "(y/n), I want to cheer you up. And, that's why I'd like to ask you out,on a date." Though, once I realized what I had just said, I started blushing,like crazy. "Of course, we'd go as only friends." "Sure..." (y/n) said, trying to wipe away her tears. "I'd like that. So, where are we going?" "How about the beach? I heard the weather's going to be wonderful tomorrow." "Okay. When do you want to go?" "How about around ten, in the morning? Will you be up by then?" "I think I will." "Okay. Well, I'll give you some time to yourself now."I then stood up, and, walked out of (y/n)'s room. When I realized that I was actually going on a date with (y/n), even if just as friends, my face formed a smile, that, no matter how much I tried to hide it, I just couldn't. 

Hope you enjoyed. If not, I'm sorry.  I'd like to thank all of you for the 1K+ views. It truly means a lot to me. Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

~From Haters, To Lovers: Gladion X Reader~Where stories live. Discover now