Chapter 2

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" Well, I-I suggest we should strike now given that he's only just taken over the Empire." The new captain stuttered, tracing the image of the palace on the map." H-He won't have time to get his army aligned."

Celestia pursed her lips, trying to not let his apparent lack of qualifications to be a captain annoy her. " That will not be wise. The King likely has Princess Cadence and everyone else with him. Attacking him now will make him use them as a threat to us instead. However, you are right about his army aligning in time. It is very...vexing to hear he has many ways to outsmart us."

She turned to Luna. " What do you think?"

" Indeed, he is not a fool, unfortunately. I am sure he knows how the odds are against us in this." Luna said, glancing at her sister. " I think we should strike now as he says. Surprise is our only tactic left."

Celestia pondered over this. " We should wait for the time being."

She turned back to the captain. "Tell the soldiers to standby first. My sister and I will consider a attack for now. Dismissed."

The captain meekly bowed and left the room quickly, leaving them alone.

Celestia walked to her bed and collapsed, her hand glowing with magic to summon a slice of cake.

Luna stifled her laughter with a hand, joining her sister. " You wish to eat now?"

Celestia stuffed the cake into her mouth, putting a finger to her sisters mouth as she chewed. " Wush, Luwa."

She quickly swallowed down the cake. " It is very therapeutic."

Luna tilted her head.

" It is very unhealthy." She teased.

Celestia stuck out her tongue." Mind your own business, sister. That captain left me no choice."

Luna chuckled. " That's what happens when Shining Armour is not around to pick a new captain to replace him."

Celestia laughed. " Indeed."

" Your majesties?" A voice said from outside the tent.

The two immediately stood.

" Come in." Celestia said.

A heavily covered soldier walked in, white fabric covering his whole body except his eyes, which showed frantic in them.

" I've come to report the scout's findings." He said, looking to the two.

Dread filled Luna at his expression.

It could not be good news.

" We do not spot any signs of the Princess and the Mane Six. However, we did see his army...He reported, tone becoming scared towards the end.

Celestia placed her hand on his shoulder. " Go on."

The scout swallowed, nervous." It seems he has the whole Empire under a spell. They wear
armour that has the aura of dark magic and they seem to be unable to have any free will."

" And where is this army?"

" Near the palace, they are all simply guarding it."

Celestia glanced at Luna, a silent agreement forming between them.

She turned back to him. " Tell everyone to get ready. We're leaving for the Empire now."

He bowed, leaving to the room to inform the soldiers.

" I can try to enter their dreams to communicate with them." Luna suggested. " They could be in hiding."

"Perhaps but there is no time. We'll deal with his army first. You're much stealthier than me. If anything goes wrong, go find them while I lead the charge. The Crystal Heart must be long hidden by now by him. The Element bearers or Cadence will be the best chance." Celestia said. " Let us meet the troops."

The two quickly rushed out the tent to see the soldiers gathered at the edge of the camp in near rows, armed and ready.

" My soldiers, we march towards the King. The faster we find him, the faster this evil ends and then safer we all will be. The safer Equestria will be. We will first capture his army and hold them prisoner. That way he is much weakened in defenses. Do your best to not hurt them. They are cursed to obey him. Once we win, we will be able to free them. We surprise them with a sudden charge and the invisibility spell I've cast. Now, follow my lead."

Celestia guided them across the snowy terrain while Luna fell back to ensure no one becomes lost.

They reached the palace silently and they quickly captured one soldier after another, swiftly binding them with rope.

Luna bounded one soldier after another, feeling premonition.

Where was he?

A scarlet blast hit the whole battalion, stripping them of invisibility and sending them to the floor.

A figure emerged from palace, its hand smouldering with stormy magic.

They knew exactly who it was.

Celestia swivelled to her sister, giving her an urgent look to go.

But Luna froze.

The eyes of the soldiers they had bounded begin to emit a dark green mist and they broke out of their ropes, easily pushing aside any soldier trying to apprehend then again.

They stood in formation but cleared a path in the middle for the figure.

Celestia stood strong, her soldiers quickly standing behind in obedience while Luna snapped out of her daze and quickly hid, knowing what she had to do.

For the King had arrived.

Eclipse  (MLP:FIM Princess Luna x King Sombra)Where stories live. Discover now