Chapter 14

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Luna froze at the sight of him.

Oh no.

He's silent, awaiting her answer.

Luna released the breath she didn't realise she was holding.

''The story, the one in the garden'' Luna said, meeting Sombra's gaze. ''It isn't the whole truth.''

Sombra's pupils widen, not blinking.

Scarlet eyes searched teal.

''What is the whole truth then?''

Luna cast a hesitant glance at the Crystal Heart.

''I can show you.'' Luna said. ''With a spell.''

Sombra followed her gaze to the Heart and flinched. ''Does it involve the relic?''

Luna gave a small smile.''It won't involve the Heart.''

''Do you remember the spell? The one you used to..'' Luna paused, pursing her lips before she tentatively continued. ''To see my fears?''

Luna wasn't sure if she saw right but Sombra appeared to wince before nodding. ''I do.''

''Perform it again and access my memories.'' Luna said. '' I'll do another to guide you to the right memory.''

Sombra appeared to be caught off-guard by her response as he began to stutter for the first time.

''I-'' He paused.''Only if you're sure you want me.''

She blinked.

''I am sure," Luna said, with a hint of surprised amusement. ''Allow me to start.''

Sombra became still as Luna stepped towards him and took his hands, a cornflower glow gliding from her to him.

Following her lead, Sombra's unicorn swirls coursed a scarlet hue and met Luna's in a lilac burst of light.


Luna opened her eyes to the familiar astral plane, only this time it was shimmery and bright, not like the other time when she came where it was grey and dark.

Luna scanned the area and found Sombra standing in front of a crystal door, silent memories of what she had seen in the Heart playing across its surface.

Sombra turned around and meets her gaze."I'm assuming it would be this memory?''

Luna nods, walking to his side.

Sombra rested his hand on the hinge of the door, unsure.

A moment passed.

"What's wrong?" Luna asked.

Sombra's gaze stayed on the hinge as he pushed it down. " A little pondering, that's all."

He paused. ''May I enter alone?''

Luna stared at him, considering him.

''If you'd prefer that.''

''Thank you, Princess.''

And he disappeared into the door.

Luna unconsciously wrapped her arms around herself and watched as the door shut closed.

It was time for her own pondering.

What was he going to do after he steps out that door?

Stop everything at once? Scream this was an illusion? Weep at being deceived to? Or simply never come out the door?

Eclipse  (MLP:FIM Princess Luna x King Sombra)Where stories live. Discover now