Chapter 5

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As Luna raised the moon, she grimaced at the sight before her.

The love and joy she remembered seeing the first time she came were no longer present. The people of the Empire were toiling in iron chains, eyes empty except for the gleam of emerald that gave a hint as to what had happened. Even her very own night sky could not bring any comfort to their Princess, for the stars could not shine through the dark skies and the moon was only a sliver of white.

Suddenly, Luna gasped in pain as the necklace around her neck tightened. The necklace was cursed, clasped on by the King to prevent her from using magic. She could use it to raise the moon but that was all. Her magic was sealed by his own wicked magic. Even her wings could not work, bounded by the necklace's sorcery as well, only allowing her to stretch them restrictively.

She was just as helpless as the Crystal people.

Luna sighed, rubbing her neck as she gave the Empire one last glance before heading back into her room.

Trapped, bound and engaged. She thought as she flopped onto her bed in the most un-princess like way. By a false King.

Luna didn't know how to make of her new situation. Everything had passed so quickly. Fighting for her kingdom, tearfully pleading for the life of her sister and now due to marry to her enemy, all because of a word she said in the heat of the moment.

Luna groaned and grabbed a pillow to bury her face.

But I suppose this isn't too bad. Think of it as a duty to Equestria. With this marriage, Equestria will be safe.

She furrowed her face.

Or should be safe.

She looked up to see the dim moon, trying to think of something else instead.

At least the moon has stars. I don't even have one person here. Luna thought as she continued to stare sadly at the night sky on her pillow until she heard a knock at the door.

"What does he want now?" Luna muttered as she got up and open the door.

A servant bowed." Your Highness, the King requests your presence at dinner."

Luna stared at him in disbelief. Dinner?

He cleared his throat at Luna's silence." He wishes to discuss certain matters."

Luna snorted. That's why.

"I will join him in a second," Luna replied. " Thank you."

The soldier bowed and left as Luna went back into the room and checked herself in front of the mirror.

"Dinner!" Luna exclaimed as she smoothed her dress."Ridiculous."

Luna stared hard at her reflection, worry beginning to settle in.

What does he want to discuss?

She continued to think for a moment before leaving the room.

Only one way to know.

Two soldiers guarding the dining hall greeted Luna, pushing the double doors open and she went in.

The dining hall was lit minimally with candles attached systematically onto the wall and a long table was the centrepiece of the room, with Sombra seated at the head of it. He was quietly conversing to a female lilac servant, a unicorn by the looks of it with the swirls on her one of her arms. Luna peered closer .She wasn't cursed like the others. Blue irises were the only thing that was reflected in her eyes and the same blue eyes were on the Princess. She quickly whispered something to the King and his eyes flickered to Luna, ending the conversation and dismissing the servant quickly.

"Princess," Sombra said, gesturing to a seat beside him.

Luna cautiously eyed the woman as she left the room and sat in her seat." Your servant has already told me that you wanted to discuss matters. What did you wish to converse about?"

"The wedding.'' He replied, watching her sit down. '' It will take place in a few weeks time.''

Luna raised a brow.''And I have a word in this or?"

He smiled, eyes alight.''Delegates will be there at the ceremony. It seems they are eager to make diplomatic ties with the new ruler around.''

Her face seared red, knowing full well why he told her this.

''Equestria will never bow to you,'' She scorned.''She will survive with or without allies.''

'' I will get her eventually'' Sombra calmly said. ''I already have her rulers and most of her defenses out of the way."

She met his eyes, trying to come up with a response but she realized she'd been beaten.

''Why do you want Equestria so bad?'' She pressed instead.

His face changed, the sly twinkle in his eye had disappeared and a cold sheen took over instead.

His eyes pierced hers, smoking with his magic. ''You'll understand better than me, Princess. To simply right what has been wronged."

''What has been wronged?'' Luna questioned sharply.'' The only wrong I see is a madman going around enslaving people and pretending to be their king.''

''Then you have not seen enough.'' Sombra lashed back.'' I am not after a worthless crown.''

''It doesn't appear to be so, King Sombra.'' She seethed.

He stood, red eyes spewing purple smoke. ''You'll understand soon enough.''

Silence spread over the hall, cold and thick.

Suddenly, white shone for a second in his eyes and Sombra double-backed, as if he had been stabbed.

Luna recoiled at the sight, standing from her chair.

He quickly straightened. '' If you'd excuse me.''

Luna furrowed her brow, reaching out for him. ''Wait-''

He vanished into the shadows, leaving no time for the princess to ask anything.

The hall fell silent, only the soft sound of dripping wax left.

She looked at where he had just been, not understanding what she had just observed and a mixture of fear and suspicion filled her.

Something wasn't right.


Hey there! Author here! Sorry for taking so long to update! School was the reason why but right now I'm having a holiday so I'll have more time to write! I've deleted the previous two chapters as they were so cringe-worthy and because they didn't help with the storyline. That's all I have to say and thanks for your support!

Eclipse  (MLP:FIM Princess Luna x King Sombra)Where stories live. Discover now