Chapter 19

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Luna's heart sank, a flurry of emotions crushing her as she realised his deception.

It can't be.

"H-he's with them?" Fluttershy fearfully whispered, glancing at Luna.

Luna gazed back at Fluttershy, unable to answer her but let out a painful hissed as his crystals dug deeper.

She swivelled to him, eyes aflame as she gripped her accursed arms.

"How could you!" Luna screamed. "How could you betray us?"

Sombra paid her no heed, his gaze remaining steely and cold.

She searched his face desperately for answers, slowly sinking to the floor when she found none.

Rabia grinned at the sight of the fallen company as she made her in with the other Umbrums who swirled darkly like a fog behind her." Terrific work, Sombra. We all knew you'd do the right thing."

Sombra silently gave her a nod, handing her the satchel and joined the Umbrums in shadow behind her.

She peeked inside the satchel, making a disdained face at the sight of its contents." Even in shards the Heart still disgusts me so."

She held out the satchel for another Umbrum to take. " Get it away from me."

Luna scrutinised their exchange, her mind trying to come up with her own answers.

" You did something, didn't you?" Luna seethed. " You took over his body! You bewitched him! It must have been you!"

Rabia stared at Luna, eyes wide open.

She broke into a laugh. " Oh my goodness, dear princess, I never took you to be so naive!"

She walked over to Luna. "Though I am flattered, I'm afraid you've credited the wrong person."

She crouched down to her level, her pale eyes shining as she went close to Luna's face.

"It was all him." She softly cooed.

Luna threw her fist at the Umbrum but the crystals in her arm throbbed with pain, forcing her hand down.

Rabia stood with a smirk and hummed airily, cold gaze sweeping across the prisoners who were silent as a grave. " Now, what to do with all of you?"

She tilted her head as she considered them. " I did intend to keep you imprisoned to send a message but I do think it's too much of a hassle now."

The Umbrums roared in agreement behind her as the Princesses weakly covered the rest from their sights but that only landed Rabia's white eyes on Cadence who bared her teeth at the sight of the Princess of Love. "Mi Amore Cadenza. And we thought we had already seen the last of Amores."

Cadence, though tired out, glared defiantly back

Rabia lowered her gaze to face Cadence. " Let us make today our last then."

The Umbrum lurched for the Amore with the other Umbrums-

Luna swerved in to protect her niece, Pinkie and Fluttershy too, with Cadence stretching her wings to cover them all as they held their breaths and slammed their eyes shut as they braced for impact-

Eclipse  (MLP:FIM Princess Luna x King Sombra)Where stories live. Discover now