Chapter 18

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'' It won't be too hard to get in,'' Sombra relayed as he stepped back into the protective bubble. '' The number of Umbrums around are sparse.''

'' It musn't be hard at all. All of us will have to get into the Palace.'' Luna said as she restored the shield. '' Should anything happen, my magic will bring at least one of us back to Equestria to ready defenses.''

Sombra tilted his head, contemplating the new situation. '' That would make it a little complicated.''

Luna's mouth curled faintly in amusement with his reaction but quickly focused back. '' Will it still be safe?''

Sombra gave her a quick smile, having caught hers. '' It will be risky but there is another way to get in."

" Someone, take the bag with the crystals." He said before his gaze moved to the shimmering shield." Princess, I need you to drop the room's protection."

Fluttershy and Pinkie widened their eyes in horror at his request while Hope opened her mouth, about to protest before quickly closing it as if she realised what he was planning.

They all turned to the Princess for her response.

Luna hesitated, unsure but with everyone watching her, she couldn't appear unsure.

She lifted a glowing hand and with a moment's hesitation, the shield fell as her hand dropped in command.

She turned to see Hope's hand holding the satchel with the crystals and then back to Sombra, who closed his eyes and his hands beginning to spark as well. Scarlet coursed through his arm and his eyes opened again, this time with spewing purple mist. His hands curled into a seething fist and he pounded the ground with a heavy blow, sending a powerful burst of wind throughout the room.

The rest covered their eyes from the sudden blast, feeling their hair being tousled and the room's light went out like a candle in the wind.

They opened their eyes to see that they were not in the laboratory anymore but in a strange, eerie, inverted version of the room instead. All colour had dulled down, leaving only behind grey shades of the original colours that used to paint the scene and a thick swirling fog everywhere.

Pinkie squatted down, twirling the fog with her fingers. "Whoa, this is freaky!"

Luna's foot rippled the fog beneath her as she walked. '' What is this place?''

'' It's where Umbrums go when they turn to shadow,'' Hope explained.'' We won't be detected as the Umbrums in this realm can only feel for shadows in the living realm so being in this realm effectively turns us invisible. But we can't stay for long. It'll grow darker and darker for non-Umbrums until they lose their way. I don't think any of us wants to find out what happens then."

Hope slung the bag over her shoulder. " I'll lead since the Heart and all. Stay close to either me or Sombra."

Fluttershy and Pinkie nodded and quickly scrambled to follow Hope as she lead the two through the new world.

Luna trailed behind them, next to her Sombra who acted as her guide.

Fleeting specks of light shone occasionally above the group, a hint of the real world as they trekked out of the gardens and into the palace without obstacle.

Eclipse  (MLP:FIM Princess Luna x King Sombra)Where stories live. Discover now